
Claims: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation increase the pressure on the Armed Forces in the Kursk region, talk about successes - FT

A month after the start of the breakthrough in the Kursk region of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation transferred to the line of battles twice less forces than it would be necessary to displace the Armed Forces, analysts explained. They propose to mention the cribs and suggested that the Russians may not allow the miscalculations at the time. The Ukrainian command may not plan new territorial achievements in the Kursk region.

Instead, the Fighters of the Armed Forces should consolidate and try to drive as many Russian units from the battlefield in the Donbass. Whether the plans of Ukraine were fulfilled and what they planned in the Russian Federation analyzed The Financial Times. The analysts of the publication summarized public statements of the Ukrainian and Russian command, data of anonymous intelligence representatives and posts of militar bloggers.

They agreed that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a limited counter -offensive operation in the Kursk region, in which Ukrainians retain almost 1,300 square meters within a month. km. The portal explained that the successes of Ukraine under Kursk depend on the tactics that the Russian command will choose.

At the same time, they compared the situation near Kursk with battles in the Krynki, where the Russians for a long time fought considerable forces to regain control of the coast. According to FT analysts, in that situation, the Russian command should be surrounded and localized by the Armed Forces bridgehead to make it safe. "If Russia played a long game, allocated only limited resources to Kursk, it could even stretch and grind Ukrainian forces.

Senior Researcher at the Institute for Foreign Policy Research Rob Lee. The FT portal gave a map of fighting in the Kursk region, on which a bright red color marked three directions of possible counterattack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Most of the red - near the village of Snagost: militar bloggers of the Russian Federation assured that the Russians had moved the positions of the Armed Forces here.

On the map of the fighting "Radio Freedom" we see "pink" areas that could be again under the control of the Russians. FT analysts spoke about actions that used the Russian command as of September 16 to change the situation near Kursk. The battlefield was noticed by the military of the 51st Parachut-Destant Regiment and the 155th Brigade of the Marines of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Eight tanks were also seen.

To date, 38,000 people are planning to be used to reflect the Ukrainian breakthrough, but there are too few people: about 100,000, which are not visible yet, is said in the article. "The forces that Russia gathered there is not enough to fully conquer the territory. The operation this week seems to be simply" pronunciation "of the Defense Line of Ukraine," the journalists of the Western Analytics words and the position of the military analyst of the Conflict Intelligence Team Ruslan Leviev.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian command in daily reports does not comment on the breakthrough in the Kursk region. According to analysts of the Institute of War Study, the Armed Forces did not depart from the Russian village Glukhivka. On the contrary, they noticed the promotion of the Ukrainian troops south of this settlement: near the villages of Vesele, a new way, Medweze. We would like to remind you that Forbes has told about military equipment used to promote in Kursk region.