
Putin mobilizes 180 thousand: the reserve colonel explained how the Kremlin will recruit new soldiers (video)

In the Russian Federation there will be another increase in the Armed Forces and the Kremlin will be able to gain the necessary 180 thousand people, the deputy of the Lithuanian Parliament is convinced. The Russian Defense Ministry will cope without touching the issue of sending to the war. Russia plans to continue the war, although it has a difficult situation on the front and there is not enough military to fulfill plans for occupation of Ukraine.

This means that the Kremlin will necessarily enter the army of 180 thousand recruits. At the same time, it is unlikely that the mobilization of Russian citizens for war will be opened. The deputy of the Seimas, a resignation of Lithuanian Lithuania Igor Rayev, spoke on the air of the TV channel "Kyiv 24", about where Moscow will be replenished. Rayev is convinced that Russia has the potential to recruit new people into the army and can hardly expect that the Russians will go for some protests.

Propaganda continues to work and its impact is still very high. This means that some amount will still be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able. Another incentive to go into the army is payments, the colonel reminded.

Therefore, in general, he believes that the Kremlin will gain the right number of recruits, which is reported in the last order of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On the other hand, they will gradually involve the constituents in hostilities, although Russian society is sharply responding to such decisions.

According to the Lithuanian deputy, in Moscow two words are warned - "mobilization" and "involvement of stitches" - this will be guided by the Kremlin, gaining 180 thousand "we understand that Russia will not stop its aggression, and because there are no soldiers, The military is unlikely to affect the political decisions of the Russian regime. It should be noted that on September 19, Business Insider reported that Putin ordered an increase in the number of soldiers by 180 thousand people.

When its order is executed, the Russian army will consist of 2. 28 million people, of which 1. 5 are direct participants of the war, and the rest - auxiliary personnel. Analysts recalled that the Kremlin increased the size of the Armed Forces for the third time during the war, and a noticeable trend towards growth. In particular, in 2022, Moscow announced partial mobilization and gained 137 thousand people, in 2023, 170 thousand people gained without mobilization.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian analyst Yevgeny Eastrebin investigated information in Roszma about payments to the Russians who have concluded a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry. The analyst found that in some regions, payments to such people have increased tenfold. For example, in the Krasnodar region, recruits were issued 1. 65 million rubles. ($ 12,000).