
The first lady visited the "Vowel Camp" where they organized a rest for children injured by war

During his visit to Transcarpathia, the first lady of Ukraine Elena Zelenska, together with the team of her Foundation, visited a camp of psychosocial support for children. The camp was organized by the Charitable Foundation "Voices of Children" and was financed by the Foundation of Elena Zelenskaya. During the summer, 184 young Ukrainians were able to relax in Camp.

In particular, children who live in frontier and de -industrial territories who have lost their parents and children of the military as a result of Russian aggression. “Children who know personally what war is, should not be left alone with their experiences and experiences. Today, we have seen with our own eyes how the Kampa team supports children psychologically, and also develops the creative, sports and intellectual talents of everyone.

And most importantly, it helps them to switch and find the strength, ”the first lady said. Young Ukrainians, in particular, from the Dnieper, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv region, Sumy region, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk region and Luhansk region, were able to visit the Vowel Camp. "Partnership with the Children's Voice Foundation is a contribution to children who need a professional approach to rehabilitation and rehabilitation," said the Foundation Director Nina Gorbacheva.

The camp team employs experienced psychologists, mentors, as well as volunteer teenagers aged 16 years of age, who help children in adaptation on the principle of equal-equal. "We are studying the history of every child who gets to us and adapt the program of every arrival to the needs of children," - said Olena Rozvadovskaya, Chairman of the Board of BF "Voices of Children".

The president's wife conducted a joint lesson for children with a psychologist, as well as attended a master class in drawing and miners from the Foundation partners-Halo Ukraine. This organization also joined the classes at the Artek-Bukovel camp, where the Foundation organized a vacation for 1500 children from large foster families. “Based on many years of experience with children, we have developed an innovative training course on explosive risks.