
Outdated T-54/55 and T-62 will become the main combat tanks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-ISW

Contrary to the official statements of the Kremlin, the Russian military industry is experiencing difficulties. Fearing secondary sanctions, Chinese companies agree with less readiness to supply to the Russian Federation. But the Russian components were purchased in the West before a full -scale invasion. The Russian defense-industrial base is not as productive as it is represented by the Russian authorities, at the same time it allows to support Russia's military efforts.

About it writes "Institute of War Study" in the summary of February 11 with reference to Ukrainian observers. According to Konstantin Mashovets, the data of the Security Council of the Russian Federation indicate that the peak burden on the Russian military industry occurred in September 2023. The average monthly production was 38. 9% higher than 2022. In the following months, this figure decreased.

According to Mashovets, the Russian MIC is trying to compensate for the lack of medium- and highly skilled labor and the necessary components. Chinese companies now agree with less readiness to supply to the Russian Federation, but have been purchased a large volume in the West to a full -scale invasion.

Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Kovalenko stated that the volumes of tanks declared by Russia in recent years have mostly reflected restored, upgraded tanks and have been removed from storage, not new production. Kovalenko stated that Uralvagonzavod, the main manufacturer of tanks in the Russian Federation, can ideally produce about 60-70 tanks T-90 per year and 3-6 new T-90 tanks per month.

"Uralvagonzavod", "Omsktransmash" and armored repair plant №103 in reading is primarily focused on the restoration, repair and modernization of tanks, and "Uralvagonzavod" is the only manufacturer of new tanks. According to Kovalenko, the Russian Federation modernizes only T-54/55 and T-62 tanks, in the future they can become the main combat tanks of the Russian Federation. Russian plants are very rarely modernized by T-72 and T-80 tanks.

Under the words of the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev that in 2023 Russian troops received 1,600 tanks, first of all meant restored and upgraded, but not new tanks, Kovalenko explained. Limited production capacity of the Russian Federation is not a guarantee that the Russian Federation will be difficult to produce enough equipment to maintain military efforts in the long run.

The tanks are still upgraded and removed from storage, and they give Russian troops the advantage on the battlefield quantitatively. According to the analyst, in some new tanks of the Russian Federation, such as T-14 "Armada", there are drawbacks, and the old (T-72) are more reliable.

The Russian Federation is trying to adapt to restrictions, in the near future, the Russian MIC may be difficult because of secondary sanctions, but partnership with China and North Korea can compensate for the shortcomings in the medium and long term. Recall that Avdiivka's rescue could send one of the best brigades of the Armed Forces. The 3rd assault is the only one of the Land Brigades of the Armed Forces, which is known that it was in the east of Ukraine last week.