
Putin drove to the Grozny: the famous Russian pilot Sniper Alexander Kharchevsky died

74-year-old Kharchevsky is the founder of the Falcons of the Falcons of Russia. He retired in 2015. Major-General Alexander Kharchevsky, a well-known product-test pilot and founder of the Falcons of Russia died in Russia. Until 2015, Kharchevsky was in charge of the Lipetsk air center and was involved in the corruption scandal, which took place at the 2011 Center. He also became famous for being carrying then. at. President Vladimir Putin in the Terrible on the Su-27 plane. About it writes Life.

He has served in aviation since 1972. Kharchevsky was born on May 9, 1950 in Zhashkov, Cherkasy region of Ukraine. He graduated from the Kharkiv Higher Aviation School of Pilots and the Gagarin Air Force. From 1972 to 1978, Kharchevsky served in the aviation units of the Soviet troops in Germany, then transferred to the Lipetsk Aviator. He served in Lipetsk since 1978, and in 1997 he headed the air center. In 2000-Lipetsk garrison.

In 1993, Kharchevsky became one of the creators of the pilot group "Falcons of Russia", formed on the basis of the Lipetsk Aviation Center of the Russian Air Force. Its task is to improve the flight skills of fighter fighters in the group, as well as the demonstration of maneuverable opportunities of Su-27 fighters and professional training of pilots. In the same year, Kharchevsky was awarded the title "Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation".

In March 2000, Kharchevsky drove to the Grozny then in. at. Putin President on the Su-27 fighter from Krasnodar to the Grozny, let him spend eight minutes. At that moment, the Second Chechen War continued. International media and then the UN was called the Terrible - "the most destroyed city on Earth. " In 2011, a scandal on the personnel of the Kharchev Lipetsk Lipetsk Lipetsk Aviator exploded. A criminal case was initiated.

As a result of this fact, officers from the management of the air center and regiment in 2012 were appointed by Kharchevsky was appointed head of the training and scientific center of the Air Force at the Academy named after Zhukovsky and Gagarin in Voronezh, and later-the head of the 4th Center for combat and retraining of flight warehouse Aviator). At international competitions, he conducted more than 50 training aircraft with pilots of US, South Africa and France.

In 2015, Kharchevsky left military aviation to reach the age of military service. In 2016, he started working at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. Kharchevsky flew on aircraft L-29, MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-29, SU-27, SU-30, SU-34. It should be reminded that at the end of July it became known that in the Russian Federation the commander of the Air Force and the Russian group of troops "Dnipro" of Colonel-General Mikhail Teplinsky died.