
Will make Zelensky and Putin find common ground: Trump promised to finish war on inauguration

According to Donald Trump, Kremlin head Vladimir Putin would never invade Ukraine if the United States had a strong president who was respected in the world. Former US President Donald Trump, who wants to run again, said he would end the war in Ukraine before inauguration if he was elected president. He told about it during the debate with the current head of the White House Joe Biden.

According to him, Kremlin head Vladimir Putin would never invade Ukraine if the United States had a strong president who was respected in the world. At the same time, he stated that he would force Putin and President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky to find a common language. Trump said the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan pushed Putin to a full -scale war against Ukraine. Joe Biden said that Vladimir Putin was a war criminal who wants to revive the USSR. He is about to capture all of Ukraine.

The Kremlin's plans are also aggression against other European countries. Earlier it was reported that Trump advisers have prepared a new peace plan for Ukraine. According to him, Ukraine will receive more weapons, instead will enter peace talks. In Russia, they have already responded to such a plan. Later, Trump was announced. The election headquarters noted that the completion of a full -scale conflict will be a priority for Donald Trump.