
Global South Maneuvers: How and why does the Indian Prime Minister go to visit Putin

In early July, India Prime Minister of India will visit Moscow in early July with his first foreign trip after recently joined the post of head of government. What this visit can testify in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, found out the focus. It should be reminded that Putin's last visit to Delhi took place shortly before the full -scale invasion of Ukraine, namely in December 2021.

At the same time, Putin was the first to congratulate Nari Modi on June 4, "with a difficult victory in the elections" - he called him a few hours after the official results of the vote.

However, whether this factor became decisive for fashion, which has recently been warm with G7 leaders at a summit in Italy and saw with President Vladimir Zelensky - a big question, experts are convinced with whom focus discussed the purpose and consequences of the visit of the Indian prime minister to the Russian Federation.

"In the context of the visit of the India Prime Minister to the Russian capital, it should not be forgotten that Delhi at the G20 summit insisted that in the final statement it was not stated that Russia was leading an aggressive war in Ukraine, etc. That is, despite the fact that India is built In the Western world, this country still has a serious, deep and very ancient relationship with Russia, which it has inherited from the Soviet Union.

The colonial past determines the views of current Indian powerful, so they, while having objective information, are eagerly "eating" the abstracts of Russian propaganda that the West, they say, wants to impose a new colonialism. There is in India, " - political scientist Dmitry Levus notes in a conversation with focus.

In addition, according to the expert, gathering to visit Putin Nari Modi pursues purely mercantile interests, "because it is difficult in Russia and it is forced to dump, in particular in the oil sphere, and India, like many other countries, uses it". .

Emphasizing that in the geopolitical asset of the Russian Federation there is on the one hand Brix, and on the other - the so -called concept of "global island", where all Eurasia seems to be included for the sake of confrontation of the event, Dmitry Levus noted the following: To seem at first glance, since the deep conflict of India, associated with Chinese aggression on its borders, has not evaporated anywhere. North Korea, it does not like this image of the main world of the world.

Emphasizing that for India, this mission with her first person's visit to Moscow "is not too positive in image terms", the political scientist stated: "But on the other hand, it is not necessary to overestimate the opportunities of Russia that India creates in this way, because we They have already seen that they are calculated by Rs and impose their conditions for the Russian Federation.

"The visit of India Prime Minister to Russia is primarily explained by the presence of strong trade and economic contacts between Delhi and Moscow. Therefore, for India's premiere, it would be a mistake to completely and completely ignore the one that is still powerful in the Asian market as a Russian Federation as a Russian Federation. ", - political scientist Oleg Posternak notes in conversation with focus.

Meanwhile, the expert is reminiscent, recently, India has adhered to a more Western course in both the US and the EU regarded this country as an alternative geopolitical reality as opposed to China. "India is perceived as a means of balancing the PRC, but the prime minister of fashion, which, after recent parliamentary elections, has greatly strengthened its political positions within the country, can afford a serious geopolitical game.

geopolitical ambition on the Eurasian continent and move the PRC in the mechanisms of Chinese-Russian cooperation where it is possible, "the political scientist notes. Answering focus about how the visit of Moodie to Moscow can reflect on the relationship of Kiev and Delhi, Oleg Posternak noted the following: "It should be emphasized here that despite participation in the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, India did not sign the final communique.

, it is just about India's desire to maneuver and not to bind itself with the uniqueness in the interpretation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, but to leave space for maneuver.

We are forced to take into account all geopolitical circumstances and the best that Ukraine can do today is to continue to convey its position of Delhi as possible and try to adjust the position of India's foreign policy department so that it does not drift towards even more pro -Russian, as it happened, for example, for example with China.

" Recalling that in 2022 Kiev and Beijing were in contact at the highest level, the political scientist summarized: "In the future, China began to sway more and more in the Russian side. In order not to allow this from Delhi, it is very important to master Ukraine Yes, "Buddhist" diplomacy, which would show prudence, focus and maneuverability and would not multiply us enemies. the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty and the recruitment of their lands.