
In Britain, Spy Scandal: Three Bulgarians have been accused of collecting data for the Russian Federation (photo)

It is known that all five spies will stand before the Westminster Magistrate Court on September 26. The UK prosecutor's office suspects five Bulgaria citizens of espionage in favor of Russia. They will be charged. About it reports Sky News. Among the suspects, three men and two women: in February Ruse, Jambazov and Ivanova, they were charged with storage of counterfeit documents that certify a person with an unlawful intention. The charges were made after the investigation of the capital police.

Rusev moved to the UK in 2009 and worked as a technical specialist in the field of financial services. His profile on LinkedIn states that he had a radio intelligence firm, that is, intercepting messages and electronic signals. In addition, Rusev, whose last official residence - a cottage in the Primorsky city of Yarmouth, claimed that he had previously worked as an adviser to the Bulgarian Energy Ministry.

Neighbors Jambazov and Ivanov, who lived in the London district of Gerro, said police that they lived together as a couple. Jambazov worked as a driver in hospitals, and Ivanova claims a laboratory assistant in a private medical company on his Linkedin page. This couple moved to Britain about ten years ago. They were the heads of a public organization that helps Bulgaria citizens, including introducing them to the culture and norms of British society.

Vanya Gaberova is a laureate of cosmetology awards. She is a "specialist in eyelash extensions" and "accredited eyelash extension teacher" and received many awards in the UK, Bulgaria, and Russia.

The head of the special department of crime and counter -terrorism CPS Nick Price said they would be accused of "conspiracy to collect information intended for direct or indirect use by the enemy for the purpose of harming the security and interests of the state, from 30 August 2020 year to February 8, 2023. " All five will stand before the Westminster Magistrate Court on September 26.