
Every day 500 Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation die or injure in Ukraine - New York Times

The offensive of the invaders in the eastern regions, against the background of large losses, has slowed down and turned into a "grueling life. " During a full -scale war, about 500 Russian servicemen are killed or injured daily in Ukraine. This is stated in the material of The New York Times.

Interlocutors of intelligence and white house journalists, analyzing the level of losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, suggest that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be able to reach one of the main goals in 2022 - to fully occupy Donbas. Due to the large number of dead and wounded, according to The NYT, the promotion of occupation troops in eastern Ukraine slowed down and turned into a "grueling life. " "500 Russian servicemen are killed or injured every day.

The pace of promotion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the east slowed down even more due to the arrival . The US Deputy Defense Minister for political issues of Colus suggested that from the first day of a full -scale invasion of the loss of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ranged from 70 to 80 thousand servicemen, including the dead and wounded. Other American officials claim that thousands of mercenaries from Wagner PECs, which Russia is also involved in fighting.

In his material, The NYT claims that for a full -scale war, the Kremlin involved up to 85% of the land units of his army, transferring a group from remote federal districts to the front. In order to continue the offensive and unwillingness to declare general mobilization, the military command of the Russian Federation recruits mercenaries, in particular from the Union Syrian Republic. "They have increased the age for conscription in Russia and do other things to sweeten the soil for volunteers.

They attract people from everywhere. If they do not carry out mass mobilization, and I do not see they are capable of it now politically, they will be in losing" , - commented the situation with a lack of staff, a senior pentagon employee at the Barack Obama administration Evelyn Farcas. We will remind, a few days earlier the Pentagon evaluated military losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.