
To sell the apartment, you need the smell of coffee: 16 questions to the perfumer

In an exclusive interview with the focus, perfumer Vlad Zvarych told how to influence people with scents, fall in love with himself and even sell real estate and jewelry. The 50-year-old Vlad Zvarych, the chairman of the Guild of the Perfumers of Ukraine and the curator of many artistic projects, and is not the most interesting in the world craft-the creation of fragrances.

If representatives of other creative professions can show or reproduce their masterpieces, then he has to look for accurate associations and comparisons, as in the novels of Marseille Proust, to describe the compositions.

In an exclusive interview with focus, perfumer answered 16 interesting questions that are concerned about many of us, in particular, how different fake scents from the original, which perfumes are most liked by women, and which are men, as well as whether it is possible to cause a smell in a person with the help of smell Sexual arousal. 1.

What parts of the body should perfume be applied? - In order not to be exposed, I recommend to make a few spitches at the same time - on the body, clothing and hair. Then you get a good sound. But it all depends on many factors. For example, muscles are quickly burned in the heat on hot skin, and incense and sandals on the contrary - they open better than wood, resinous, amburus, balsamic chords.

Instead, it is best to choose saturated and plume aromas in demi -season weather - early spring or late fall. 2. They say that coffee helps to restore the smell. It's true? - In fact, coffee overlaps the base notes, so you will not hear all the beauty of the aroma. It is much better to make a few sips of plain water, rinsing the palate. 3. Can you divide perfumes into good and bad? - If you ask the gardener, are there good and bad flowers, what will he tell you? No, everything is very subjective.

It is possible to talk about the evaluation of the composition from the point of view of harmony, accents, a successful or unsuccessful combination of notes, imaginary geometry and aesthetics of the general "bouquet". If you feel traces of gasoline, "plastic" notes, but these are not conceptual perfumes, then most likely some impurities or poor alcohols were used there. 4. They say, if a person does not feel their perfumes, then they come to him.

Is this a myth? - Our body is so arranged that we first hear the smell and then get used to it. If you wear a certain aroma for 10 days and finally stopped hearing it - it is normal, but not when getting acquainted with perfume. 5. I have many memories closely related to smells. Why is this happening? - When we are experiencing some experience for the first time, we hear something in parallel - and it is remembered for life. In psychology, this effect of transfer in memories is called "Prustivsky".

That is why each of us perceives the same smell differently, because other associations arise. When you work the needle, you will realize that it really smells of grass, and honey, oddly enough, urine. 6. Can the aroma affect the mood of a person and his well -being? - The smell is communication, it can be modeling and predicted. Perfumes are able to make, soothe or immerse themselves. 7. Well. Then let's model the situation: you need to go to the interview.

What aroma to choose to make a pleasant impression on the employer? - I would advise you to start with dramaturgy, that is, to determine what purpose you have: to flirt, to seem confident or to intrigue. In general, most people like fresh and floral aromas, but in winter they will be inappropriate, so there is no win -win option - you should consider the context. 8. Do pheromone perfumes? - No, it's heresy.

Some pheromones, as organic compounds from the moment of synthesis, break up in 18-24 hours. Therefore, I do not believe that someone makes such aromas. However, there are aphrodisiacs - substances that cause sexual arousal. These are patchouli, amber, animalistic components and some resins. 9. How is the price of aroma formed? - It is clear that not only at the expense of the composition. The cost of mass perfumes is a maximum of 5-10%. In my brand, about 30% is considered a lot.

The rest is the cost of packaging, accessories and marketing. There is such a concept as "fair price". For niche and high perfumes it is from 100 to 300 euros. 10. My favorite aroma of roja elysium. The man I bought it complained that the smell was "flying" very quickly. Like, there is no plume and no one hears except two people, but perfumes are quite expensive. Is it marketing? - Again, it all depends on the problem.

There are perfumes only for two - for a couple of hours, and then you smell each other's bodies. For example, at the Japanese school of perfumery diffusion further than 60 cm is considered "Too Much". Instead, Spanish and Italian scents just shout about themselves, they can be killed. It all depends on your purpose, dramaturgy and consumption. 11.

What perfumes in your collection are the most expensive? - For 3000 euros - one of the first collectible issues of L'Artisan Parfumeur based on Florentine iris. 12. How does fashion occur on certain perfumes? - As a rule, a new molecule is invented - the so -called captive. It is synthesized only by one company and tries to keep the secret for as long as possible. At one time, such a captive was Kumarin, which gave the sound of a thin, characteristic of modern fuel aromas.

Recently invented Sandzhinol - the most harmonious sound of sandalwood. The trend is also phlevors, that is, the use of "edible" chords in perfume compositions that excite the taste receptors. 13. How is the copy different from the original perfume? - The original and fake composition, as a rule, is created by the same materials - it is like paints with an artist.

Accordingly, you will have another impression because the "picture" is not drawn in all the nuances and shades that often play a key role. 14. What perfumes are mostly like women and which are men? - Men are lured by floral aromas, and women like brutal - balsamic and oriental. Mineral notes are also popular now, which attract the attention of many, regardless of gender, such as vanilla and fruit.

-Is it something like Ganymede from Mark-Antoine Barrrua, which smells of medical bandages? - Yes, but everyone has different associations - someone is reminiscent of medical dressings or tools, to someone the salt that has dried on the sea coast. You need to include imagination. 15. My familiar Rieltor is convinced that in order to sell the apartment, you need to dispel the smell of coffee, fresh baking or citrus. Is it working? - Perfumery has a special direction called aroma marketing.

For example, in jewelry stores often use perfumes with components that give a metallic taste in the mouth. This is done to encourage buyers to try on jewelry. And even if you buy nothing there, you will go with feeling as if they were breathing luxury. As for the smells you mentioned: baking - soothes, so we do not pay attention to any shortcomings, coffee creates the atmosphere of home and safety, and citruses are invigorating. 16.

Did you create scents for some establishments? - Of course, in particular for presidential rooms in hotels. The customer wanted to convey the smell of expensive leather, suede, old paintings, musical instruments, antique furniture and saffron. All in order to create the illusion of feeling that you have always been there.