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The beating of the former military forces of special operations by Anatoly Gonch...

The beating of the military in Smila: does he feel crime during the war in Ukraine?

The beating of the former military forces of special operations by Anatoly Goncharenko was not investigating for about a week. Only after public publicity and reaction of top officials criminal proceedings were opened. Focus found out what privileges today have criminality. In the city of Smela, the Cherkasy region, there was a resonant conflict: allegedly local criminal authority Vadim Dolotenko beat the former military forces of special operations Anatoly Goncharenko.

On social networks, videoads show how one of the men twice beats the military in the face, from which Goncharenko falls from blows to the ground. The 18000 edition states that police did not open criminal proceedings after beating the military all week. There was a road conflict between men: Goncharenko was traveling with his parents in the car, and Doltenko allowed an emergency.

Later, a video appeared in the public, where a man in a white T -shirt made the military apologize and says that he "disappeared for all of Smila. " The National Police of Cherkasy region declared on September 9 that the conflict on the road occurred on September 3 near the village of Rotmistrovka of Cherkasy region. Law enforcement officers claim that the military removed the numbers from the Hyundai car and asked for social networks to help install its owner.

Seeing information on social networks, the Hyundai driver contacted a man and assigned him a meeting during which the conflict between them turned into a fight. At the same time in other frames you can see how Goncharenko on his knees in the rain screws the license plates to the attacker's car. Under the procedural guidance of the Smilyansk District Prosecutor's Office, investigators provided information in the Unified Register of Pre -trial Investigations under the article "Hooliganism".

Local journalists write that Vadim Dolotenko appears in a number of criminal cases. In his track record - causing bodily harm. In March 2024, the Smilyansky District Court issued him a sentence of robbery. Then the dolotenko was sentenced to a year of imprisonment, but replaced the sentence. Journalists note the public outrage by police actions that did not immediately open criminal proceedings. A meeting with the participation of law enforcement officers took place in this regard.

A number of Ukrainian top officials drew attention to what happened in Smila. Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klimenko called the situation "shameful". No one has the right to humiliate veterans, he emphasized. "Everything that has happened will receive a proper and rigid reaction of law enforcement," he promised. Klimenko says that they will establish all the facts of the event, as well as check the actions of police officers of Cherkasy region.

The head of the "Servant of the People" faction David Arahamia stated that the investigation of the incident should be under the control of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin. It should be understood that some of the people with criminal past remained in Ukraine after the start of the Great War and continue to operate in their usual manner, says the focus of the former forensic police officer, lawyer Victor Chevguz.

"The law does not give the dolota of advantages over other violators. Relations with the criminal world are not released from criminal responsibility. The so -called" thieves in the law "use privileges in places of imprisonment, but not in ordinary life," he says. Doltenko's actions see a clear criminal offense, he should be punished for injuries, and not be held on the article about hooliganism.

In addition, it is worth checking the suspect and for violation of traffic rules, confident attorneys surveyed by focus. According to Victor Chevguz, to tear off the numbers from the machine - also a violation of the legislation. The action of the military falls under legal qualification. Dolotenko was chosen as a preliminary measure of restraint.

Further, law enforcement officers will establish the severity of the beatings and retraining the article for the court, supplemented by lawyer Yevgeny Zuranzhi. The lawyer considers it incorrect to speak about the impunity of representatives of the criminal world in the conditions of war. "In small cities, businessmen are forced to communicate with the police and prosecutors. Everyone needs a force cover, but to claim that we are dealing with criminal authority prematurely.

He is unlikely to receive preferences from police," the lawyer says. The suspect has a conditional prison term in robbery. The police may add a new term and Article 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the release from serving a sentence with the test will no longer work. "For a short time, he may be in places of imprisonment for two to three years," Zuranady summed up. We will remind, in Kharkiv on September 6 the employee of the Tax Code beat the man and remained unpunished.