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The arrival of the missile to the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital caused a flurry o...

"Pretty children's deaths": Popular bloggers spoke for the cessation of war why the military was condemned

The arrival of the missile to the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital caused a flurry of emotions and scandals. Influential bloggers urge power in any way to stop the war with Russia. Media military is asked to "do not arrange a circus for the audience. " The focus understood how the tragedy simultaneously united and divided society. The massive rocket attack of Russia's army in the morning of July 8 became the loosest in 2024.

The murder of nearly 40 Ukrainians, including children, the rocket's arrival at the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital caused a flurry of emotions and discussions. Quite popular in society was the question of whether to end the war with Russia as soon as possible to avoid victims in the future. The authorities of Ukraine holds a constant position: the West is obliged to increase the supply of weapons and air defense.

This is the only way to prevent the new strikes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peaceful cities. New ideas about peace negotiations with Russia do not sound on the Bank or from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada. The last peace initiative was the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak on July 6, 2024: Moscow can be submitted by Kyiv's proposals through third countries, as it was during the discussion of the Grain Agreement.

During his visit to the United States, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky rejected Russia's territorial concessions in exchange for peace. Crimea cannot be given for the end of the Great War. "Putin now says he needs Crimea and Donbas. He is a liar because he had all this to a full -scale invasion. Despite this, he began a new stage of the war," the head of state emphasized.

Famous Ukrainian bloggers do not share the militaristic approach of official Kiev and urge to stop the war with Russia immediately. Vladislav Rogovenko, who lives in the United States, declares "hatred of power on both sides. " The girl calls for "going and negotiating peace. " Blogger from Ivano-Frankivsk Yulia Verba, who has more than 2 million subscribers on Instagram, accuses Ukrainian power of theft, and the civilized world is of inaction. "The world sees and does nothing.

Our country is stolen by our power. Children and people are killed. Families and life are destroyed. Plans and dreams are destroyed," one of her pages reads. Blogger Alexander Voloshin also follows a similar point of view. Ukraine "does not take out the war and needs to be smart," he notes. "You need to be cunning in this whole game because it is a game. You need to play by their rules, and then at one moment make them oh *** eating," he comments.

Bloggers noticed that some perceived their personal opinion as planned IPSO accused of working for the Russians and receiving money from them. Ukrainian actress Natalia Denysenko saw a critical point in the game "Victim - Tyrant" on July 8. Negative energy led to a great war, it thinks. "To stop the game, we need to get out of these roles, get out of the victim's state. We need to change and take some actions to approach the state of" I am the Creator ", not ask what.

only feel the best and bright feelings, ”she wrote. At the same time, how you can feel love and light feelings, when Russian missiles fall on peaceful goals and at the same time kids die, the actress did not specify. Peaceful influenzers' calls called on the network. The NZL Instagram Pabl (Healthy Person News) has collected a selection of bloggers' posts on the tragedy on July 8, calling for users to View Subscriptions.

But the authors of this post clearly did not expect the influx of negative comments: most people supported bloggers. The focus literally cites several user answers.

"I have one question: were these bloggers lied? What is not true that the authorities robbed us to the thread? Is it not true that for $ 10,000 you can go abroad? Isn't it true that a disability can be done for $ 20,000? that Ukrainian electricity is sold abroad? "And why didn't they write that Voloshin had collected 5 million to help the victims, including Ohmatdit? You have done, except that they have lined up with this post" Higher Positions? " , one thing. And answer honestly.

Are you ready to exchange the lives of your children in the borders of 1991? That's all. If you are not ready, why should others be? " - also asks ksena. blog. The media military opposed the calls for the completion of the hot phase of confrontation. " The guys carry all the dirt of war, experience the death of brothers, "so it is not time to" arrange a circus On the whole audience, "the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign" Alex ".

The guys are at all, but they have every right to do so, and you arrange a circus for the entire audience, cry and carry full x *** nude, playing under *** m "," Lieutenant writes in Telegram generally. The commander of the 3rd Separate assault brigade (OSHBR) Maxim Zhorin, for calls for peace at all costs and reasoning about the benefits of war should be seriously responsible. For the first time in an explanatory conversation, the second is already behind the lattice.

All these messages are Russian propaganda that lands very well in the stupid heads "tired of war. " Rashka works effectively in the mediapole, spreading his IPSO. But sometimes nothing is needed - Ukrainians will cope with themselves, "he expressed his opinion. The military indicates two possible variants of events:" Murder ". But this game accurately affects the general condition of Ukrainians and the willingness to resist Russia. It should be responsible for this, "he sums up.

The Russians use technologies from the division of society and say that those who do not support their conditions of peace - are" hawks "of wars, and they prevent everyone from living, explains the focus of the deputy center of counteracting misinformation during NSDC Andriy Kovalenko. But if we want to survive, we need to stand on our own and restore the borders. Everything else will lead to the repetition of war and the possible loss of our statehood.

Most bloggers are probably uneducated people who think the categories of emotions and views. They did not even teach the history of the 20th century, "Kovalenko notes. The points of view of officials, bloggers and media military on what happened on July 8, and conclusions after the tragedy on the future war do not fully reflect real public sentiment in Ukraine, says focus The head of the sociological group "Rating" Alexei Antipovich. The tragedy still mobilized Ukrainians.

Trends are leaning to the continuation of the war, but there is also a parallel request to find a negotiation position with the participation of international partners. The first and second type of moods exists autonomously, " - briefly explained the specialist. However, the continuation of the war, the lack of obvious success at the front and an increase in the degree of suffering forces people to agree to the exchanging of territories in exchange for peace, supplemented by the CEO Paniotto.

in the conditions of such a desired peace. Let's take Crimea: subject to the transition of the Peninsula to the UN Protectorate and the beginning of discussions about its affiliation in 15 years, many will freeze a major conflict, ”says Paniotto. Subject conversations about a truce or the continuation of war are possible when society knows their military capabilities. Countries, as well as plans and the essence of arrangements with the West.

The main factor in influence on people's opinion is the success of the Armed Forces on the front. The repetition of a brilliant operation on the liberation of Kharkiv region, which began on September 6, 2022, would provide optimism, " - shares the opinion of the sociologist. It is worth noting that the Ukrainian military during the autumn counter -offensive in 2022 was clearly cleared from hostile units almost all of the Kharkiv region and adjacent areas of Donetsk. But the Luhansk regions.