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Ukraine will keep the captured territories of the Russian Federation until Putin...

The Kursk Region We will not give: what plan in Zelensky to start negotiations with Putin

Ukraine will keep the captured territories of the Russian Federation until Putin is forced to sit at the negotiating table, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says. How justified this tactical game of official Kiev was, found out the focus. The President told the fact that Ukraine will keep Ukraine obtained as a result of the Kursk operation of the Russian Federation in an interview with NBC News.

According to Vladimir Zelensky, the Russian territories received is an integral part of his "Victory Plan" about the end of the war, which he intends to acquaint the allies in September, including US President Joe Biden. "We (territory - ed. ) We need it," the head of state said. At the same time, he stressed that he could not discuss whether Ukraine plans to try to seize even more Russian territory: "This is the beginning of our Kursk operation when we kept silence.

Therefore, for all respect, I cannot say that I think that success is success Very close to surprise. " Meanwhile, the opinions of the experts with whom the focus spoke were divided into whether the line of Zelensky is correctly outlined by the President to keep the Russian lands up to Putin's willingness to sit down and to agree on the end of the war.

In particular, the President of the Center of Globalism "XXI" Strategy Mikhail Gonchar in conversation with focus notes: "In my opinion, it was necessary to keep what is called strategic ambiguity, since such a wording, which was voiced by President Zelensky, directs Kursk operation in a certain direction, giving an enemy. The opportunity to use these in accordance with their interpretations of the situation.

that no one can force her to act according to her rules, which were formulated before the start of his ". For Putin, translating the format of dialogue from Washington to Kiev means de facto recognition of the subjectivity of Ukraine as a country that repels Russian aggression. Putin cannot allow himself, because he is fighting with the "Kiev junta".

Therefore, Putin signals from Kiev can simply ignore this topic for redemption in terms of public commenting on Zakharov, Peskov and other "speaking heads". Russia, Mikhail Gonchar notes, has sharpened its economy for a long war, this economy "cracks, but holds", so negotiations for Putin are nothing more than a way of obtaining an operational pause. "We are already seeing that the IMF mission for the first time since the full -scale war plans to come to Moscow, although it should not be.

It should also be heard voices about the need to mitigate anti -Russian sanctions, etc. Therefore, the issue of negotiations is not immediately necessary for him. He predicts, if such negotiations begin, then Russia, accumulating at their screen forces, will interrupt them after a while, accusing the Ukrainian side or event. "Yes, the Kursk surgery has broken this negotiating idea of ​​the Russian Federation, but you know, the Kremlin is like a crocodile that never crawls back.

Therefore, Moscow will continue to adhere to the same tactics in using the negotiation topic for their own purposes," - sums up Mikhail Gonchar. In turn, political scientist Taras Zagorodniy in conversation with focus emphasizes: "I believe that the tactics of Kiev in keeping the Russian territories until Putin can be planted at the negotiation table is quite correct.

Why? The chessboard is actually inverted, so all statements on the line of demarcation and the beginning of negotiations seem to be a plan of dismemberment of Russia. The level of the state apparatus. " Emphasizing that Kursk's operation has strongly "shaded" Putin, the political scientist added: "Russia's authority was destroyed by at least 50 years forward, because the Russians have previously constantly traded that they are ready to guarantee Europe's safety.

And which is now asked, you can guarantee the security of Europe If they are unable to protect themselves? The expert believes that Putin has never been about to negotiate with Ukraine. Instead, he wants negotiations with the United States on Ukraine. "Putin, in fact, offering Munich 38, seeks the United States to document the annexation of Ukraine. It is clear that the event will never go to it, but the Kremlin continues to bend its line," says Taras Zagorodniy.

Answering the question of how such a Kremlin tactic of Kiev is about to put Putin at the negotiation table, the expert stated: "After a successful Kursk operation, it is necessary to move to the next stage and in the autumn and winter period as much as possible to do the energy of the Russian Federation. By the way, I think, I think That is not accidental in Russia, when Umerov was in Washington.

The West, in particular Washington, plays the stability of the Putin regime, despite all these conversations about democracy and other delusions that they like to boil us. " The expert considers strikes in Moscow and the creation there during the winter frost of Blackout. "For such schedules, taking into account their customs, half of Russia will instantly rob Moscow-and it will be real destabilization.

So now Ukraine says the event: either let's resolve the issue in a good way, or will be disapproved, as you have already got with your own The hypocritical and false statements about how much you seem to support Ukraine. At the same time, in his opinion, Kyiv did not sufficiently use the potential that Ukraine has seized part of the territory of the Russian Federation.

The political scientist believes that it is necessary to put an event before the fact: a new democratic Russia, for which they seem to be stated, is a matrix of Ukraine. Actually, this matrix portrays this matrix as follows: "Inner contour - there are our troops, and on the outside you need to create something like a foreign legion. There is a so -called new Russians abroad? Kurkhs, or we will find other new Russians that will do this. , because it is a good way to defragment it.

" The outlined case with the democratization of the Russian Federation Taras Zagorodniy calls the deficiency of the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, the political scientist predicts that this gap will soon be filled. Meanwhile, the Kursk operation has not "changed the strategic thinking" Putin, the American Institute for War Study (ISW).