Our eyes report a large number of wounded Russians," he informed. Petro Andryushchenko added that this news somehow bypassed the Ukrainian information space and the Ukrainians missed such a positive moment. "You know, attention to the real positive points in the occupied territories has somehow become low, and our military communication is still the second in the world. Therefore - we are correcting. Not everything is so tuper or hopeless. We will put the occupation in the occupation," he assured.
In confirmation of his words, he added a photo with a smoke "veil" in the area of arrivals. "This is definitely great news," Petro Andryushchenko stressed. We will remind that on July 24 in the networks that the commander of VAT and the Russian group of the Dnepr troops "Colonel-General Mikhail Teplinsky could die after the injury received as a result of the NIMAR attack at the command point of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near the occupied Genichesk in Kherson region.
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