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Su-34 bombers fly from the Baltimore airfield in the south of Russia to drop the...

Su-34 in Voronezh: US do not allow the Armed Forces to destroy the carriers of the cub-media (photo)

Su-34 bombers fly from the Baltimore airfield in the south of Russia to drop the bombs on Ukrainian cities. The facility may contain about half of the current fleet of the supersonic two -engine fighters of the Russian army. The Baltimore Airport in Voronezh in southern Russia 160 kilometers from the border with Ukraine is an important and vulnerable goal.

The object is within the reach of the best Ukrainian weapons, but in the US Presidential Administration, Joe Baiden does not allow Kiev to use it, the Forbes magazine said. From this base, Su-34 bombard fighters belonging to the 47th Guards Bombard Air Force Air Force, daily bombs from the Armed Forces and peaceful settlements are departing and discharging. A large number of aircraft at the aerodrome allows you to simultaneously dump bombs for several goals in Ukraine.

About half of the current park of supersonic two -engine fighters of the Russian army are regularly parking on the open site, journalists said. "The Armed Forces can potentially fail the entire operational fleet that is there if they receive a permit for such a blow," - commented by Fronetelligence Insight experts. Ukraine could always target the far -off perceivers at the Voronezh airfield. Perhaps a dense Russian air defense system does not allow drones to reach the base.

ATCMS missiles still remain the best weapon to defeat Baltimore and restrain the bombing of the Ukrainian territory. But Kiev will probably not jeopardize future missile supply, using them bypassing approval from the states, summed up the authors of the material. We will remind, in July 2023 under Voronezh the Russian air defense system shot down three drones. UAVs were targeted at the Baltimore airfield.