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The Russian president stated that the Russian Federation did not attack anyone a...

The reproach of Zelensky, peaceful dialogue and the third world: what Putin told in an interview with Carlson

The Russian president stated that the Russian Federation did not attack anyone and accused Ukraine of reluctance to negotiate. During the interview, Vladimir Putin even managed to confuse his father with his grandfather Vladimir Zelensky. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a great interview to American journalist Tair Carlson. He told who began the war in Ukraine, about a private conversation about fascism by the President of Ukraine and called the perpetrators of the North Stream gas pipeline.

The focus has collected the main key topics from the two -hour interview with Putin Carlson. According to Putin, all the "events" began with a coup in Ukraine, as well as with hostilities in the Donbass. Russia, however, said the President of the Russian Federation, wants to "finish" the war with negotiations, but Kyiv, according to Washington, has abandoned the dialogue, so now the US will have to "solve" this problem. "We do not attack anyone," the Kremlin head said.

In an interview with Carlson, the President of the Russian Federation traditionally touched the history of Ukraine, stating that before the arrival of the Bolsheviks of such a country did not exist, and Ukrainians have the right to consider themselves as a separate people, but not on the basis of "Nazism and Nazi ideology. " According to Putin, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine allegedly "pulled everything that she received from the lord's shoulder" Russia.

And after 1991, the states were pursued on the Russian Federation of "pressure". The Kremlin head stated that Washington wants to "draw" Ukraine in NATO on the evil of the Russian Federation. Russia itself, as Putin said, "voluntarily" went to the collapse of the USSR. Putin also noted that Russia has not yet achieved the goals of the so -called "its", which is the "denacification" of Ukraine and the ban on neonacist movements.

"We have not yet achieved our goals in Ukraine, because one of the goals is denacification. It means a ban on all sorts of neo -Nazi movements. We need to get rid of those people who leave this theory and practice in life and try to preserve it - that's what it is Denacification. You know how strange you may not seem, during negotiations in Istanbul, we still agreed that neonacism will not be cultivated in Ukraine, in particular, it will be forbidden at the legislative level.

This can be done during the negotiation process . Putin also said that NATO could "be dignified" to recognize Russia's control over the occupied territories of Ukraine. According to Putin, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy allegedly supports Nazism and people who promote this theory, and Hitler's case is still living.

He said that in a conversation with Zelensky, he touched the theme of fascism in Ukraine and reminded the Ukrainian president that his father "fought with the Nazis, with the Nazis during the Second World War. " "I said," Volodya, what are you doing? "Why are you now supporting neo -Nazis in Ukraine when your father fought with fascism? He was a soldier on the forefront. I will not tell he answered. This is a separate topic. And I don't I think it would be right on my part, "Putin said.

The President of the Russian Federation did not flow when this conversation was, but in his opinion, when Zelensky became president, he "understood two things. " "First, it is better not to conflict with neo-Nazis and nationalists because they are aggressive and very active. They can be expected. . It is profitable and safe, "Putin said. Putin said that there are many internal problems in the country in the US, which to solve, in the meantime, Washington instead fights in Ukraine.

"Is there nothing to do with Americans? Do you have problems at the border. Migration problems, problems with national debt. More The situation that is about to date, realizing that Russia will fight for its interests to the end, and, knowing this, in fact, to return to common sense, to start with respect for our country, to its interests and to look for any decisions? " Said Putin.

The Kremlin head stated that Russia has always been open to negotiations with Ukraine, instead Ukraine does not want to negotiate with Russia. "The President of Ukraine has issued a decree forbidding negotiations with us. May he cancel this decree and all. We never refused negotiations. We all hear all the time: is Russia ready, is we ready? They refused. Well, let him cancel his decree and enter into negotiations, "Putin said.

The Kremlin head complained that official Kiev is now "making conditions" that Russia cannot agree. The full -scale conflict is supposedly "over the weeks" if the United States stops supplying weapons to Ukraine. According to the Kremlin head, Ukrainians are still considering themselves "Russians", and therefore the war will carry an element of "civic" conflict. "This endless mobilization in Ukraine, hysteria, internal problems, all this . . . Sooner or later we will still agree.

And know what? Maybe even strange in today's situation will sound: the relationship between peoples will be restored equally. It will take a lot of time, but it will will recover. What is happening to some extent is an element of the civil war. Putin stated that the Russian Federation did not intend to compete with US propaganda and bring the world involved in the North Stream. Therefore, you can get involved in this work, but it is called more expensive.

We can simply illuminate our sources of information, and we will not get the result. It is so clear to the world, and even American analysts say it directly, "Putin said. Putin said that more details about the NP in the Baltic Sea would not be resorted to, but hinted that one had to look for someone who was interested in destroying "North Stream" and who was able to do it. "You of course. You may have alibi personally, but there is no such alibi.

There may be many interested, but not everyone can climb the bottom of the Baltic Sea. These two components should be combined: who is interested and who can, "Putin said. Putin stated that Russia has no interests in Europe, and that the Russian Federation would send its troops, for example, to Poland, if it attaches Russia. " Countries. NATO speak of a global war and nuclear conflict, and they try to intimidate their population with an imaginary Russian threat. This is an obvious fact.

And thinking people are not inhabitants, but thinking people, analysts, those who are engaged in real policy, just smart people - perfectly understand that it is a fake. The Russian threat is inflamed. Russia will send its troops to Poland only in one case: if there is an attack on Russia. Why? Because we have no interests in Poland or Latvia - nowhere. Why do we? We simply have no interests, "Putin said.