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Through all more bilateral rocket bilaterals, US officials are concerned that th...

Have been prepared for years: The US is concerned about Israel's likely war against Lebanon - CBS News

Through all more bilateral rocket bilaterals, US officials are concerned that the Israeli Defense Army will launch a large campaign against Hezbolla. Against the backdrop of hostilities in the Gaza sector in Israel, the situation on the border with Lebanon is exacerbated. There are Hezbollah militants that Iran is supported by Iran. The US is concerned that a new front can be opened. About it reports CBS News.

The missile flight between Israel and Lebanon is increasingly concerned about officials in the United States. Escalation can develop into a wider conflict with Hezbolla. The publication states that since October 7, the states are actively working to "reduce the likelihood of fire". Involvement of Israel in a broad war with Hezbolla may require more military supplies from the United States.

Amos Khokhstein, the Chief Diplomatic Advisor of President Biden, goes to Israel on Monday to work on the de -escalation of the conflict, according to one of the officials. The recent deeper strikes of Israel in Washington are interpreted as possible preparation for the large -scale offensive of the Israeli Defense Army in Lebanon. Officials fear that they will not be able to complete the war without US support.

In addition, Hezbolla can cause a huge number of missile strokes in the Israeli territory, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Israel can be forced. There should be negotiations between Jerusalem and Lebanon, ceasefire, says Washington. "There should be an agreement that will allow the Israelites to return to their homes in the north with security guarantees that it will not be on October 6," Hezbolla ". . . which sits right on the blue line," one of the interlocutors said.

Unlike the Hamas sudden attack in October, the war with Hezbolla in Lebanon is what the Israeli military has been thinking about for years. Already in the north there are training of one of the brigade, which will not be enough for major fighting. We will remind, on June 13, Lebana launched more than 100 rockets on Israel. In response, AOI struck the goals of Hezbolla.