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Ms. The Holy Chamber of the Czech Republic! Mr. President of the Czech Senate! M...

President at the Parliamentary Summit of the Crimean Platform: our goal is the complete de -occupation of our land, including Crimea; We have to implement it

Ms. The Holy Chamber of the Czech Republic! Mr. President of the Czech Senate! Mr. Prime Minister of the Czech Republic! Mr. Holidays of the Verkhovna Rada! Dear friends! First of all, I want to thank the Czech Republic, thank the leaders and all the Czech society for the support of Ukraine, for adopting this summit.

I congratulate all of you - participants and participants of the Crimean Platform summit, its parliamentary dimension, which makes our Crimean platform especially strong, because it gives it the energy of the democratic world. And this is how we are fundamentally different from Russia. Its calculation is always not for people, not for unity, but for bribery or violence. We do differently. We unite the world, bring people together. We believe in the ability of each person to rise higher.

And above not over a neighbor, but over circumstances. No matter how terrible and hopeless circumstances seem, in the human character - to look for and find ways to protect life. And the more our unity, the faster we will complete the Russian aggression with a reliable and fair peace. We have been moving to the realization of our goal more actively than ever for almost ten years, first of the hybrid and then full-scale aggression of Russia.

And it is in the Black Sea region that it is from the situation around the Crimea that it is best visible how our tactics work. Ladies and Gentlemen! I will be frank: for many in the world, Crimea was an argument that the full de -occupation of our territory is allegedly unattainable. Russian control over the Black Sea and the presence of the occupier fleet created the illusion that the dominance of Russia in the Black Sea was allegedly insurmountable.

In addition, due to the conscious settlement of Crimea hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens and large -scale repression of the occupier against all forms of freedom and resistance, the impression was that Crimea was allegedly humble. Now the illusions are melting. I'll just remind our results. The first is that the Russian military fleet is no longer able to operate in the western part of the Black Sea and gradually escapes from the Crimea. And this is a historical achievement.

Recently, the Russian leader was forced to declare the creation of a new base of the Black Sea Fleet-more precisely, for its remains-in the occupied territory of Georgia, that is, in the southeastern part of the sea, as far as far as possible from Ukrainian missiles and sea drones. But we will get them everywhere. The second is that there is no safe base for Russian terrorists and any completely reliable logistics route in the Crimea and on the occupied parts of the Black Sea and Azov coasts.

As of now, we have not yet reached complete fire control over Crimea and adjacent waters. But it will be. It's a matter of time. Third, we record that pro -Ukrainian sentiment in Crimea is becoming more open even though Russia is still controlling this land. Just as in all other occupied areas of Ukraine, people in Crimea are aware that Russia will leave from there and wait for Ukraine.

Russia's weakness becomes louder than the fear of occupied people, and we clearly see that in Crimea we have many allies. Fourth - Ukraine was able to return the Black Sea to the role of the security artery, which depends on global food stability. Without our agrarian exports, the price crisis in the food market and social chaos are a threat to dozens of different nations in space from the west coast of Africa to Bangladesh, to Indonesia.

This is a cornerstone: when Ukrainian exports of food disappears, the entire global food market is destroyed. Initially, together with the UN and Turkey, we were able to launch the Black Sea grain initiative. Subsequently, the humanitarian initiative "Grain from Ukraine" was added.

And when Russia has decided to destroy such an architecture of food security, we launched new temporary export routes from our seaports in addition to our exports through the Danube Port Region and "Solidarity Ways" with land. From the beginning of the new export corridor in the Black Sea, nearly 50 vessels have been loaded, and more than 50 has been approached. And finally, the fifth point is value.

This is what is worth recalling today, on the day of the United Nations, when the UN Statute came into force 78 years ago. The most respected international document that asserts actually the basic right of every nation is the right to life without aggression, annexation, terror. Once upon a time, at the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine, many were ready to close their eyes to the capture of Russia by Crimea. Like, it will reassure the aggressor.

But, on the contrary, it only ignited his ambitions, because it added faith in impunity. We do the dismantling of Russia's impunity - step by step. This is given by our work at the UN despite Russian abuse of illegally obtained veto. This is given by our formula of peace, which is based on the principles and purposes of the UN Charter and which gradually becomes a global formula.

This gives the work of international legal institutions, including the International Criminal Court, which issued a Putin arrest warrant in the case of abduction and deportation of children. This is made by sanctions against Russia. And this gives fundamental support from different countries of the world, different leaders for our country and the courage of our people. Now our task is to maintain and increase pressure on the occupier. And my call is simple - don't stop halfway.

It is not easy to clean the Black Sea from the fleet of terrorists. However, it is much easier to clean the information environment from propaganda from Russia, which is still trying to distort our interaction and democratic order. It is necessary to stop Russian propaganda. It will help us and keep your people, your societies.

Just as we destroy the logistics of the occupier in our country, we need to deprive the security and logistics of dealing with sanctions against Russia through any intermediaries-whether the state, the company, or individuals. Sanctions must work and I call you to parliamentary control over the relevant sanction regimes. The next point is motivation. And it's a weapon. It must be charged.

I am grateful to all countries that are really ready to support Ukraine as much as needed, to the extent that leads to victory. Our people need to see such readiness that their willingness to fight against the occupiers remains the maximum. In the end, it depends on the long -term security of the whole of Europe: the loss of Russia is your safety, every nation that is accustomed to its freedom and used to rely on the fact that the world is not a place for aggressors.

The fourth - we have to care together so that new crises do not explode in the world, including food, energy or migration, and that there are no confrontations from one or another regions. From this point of view, there is a high risk of cruelty in the Middle East. Everyone see what forces can be covered by such a flash. And everyone sees that this should be avoided.

You can avoid! And I urge you to maintain the appropriate efforts of all leaders to preserve the lives of civilians, at least where they lived, and stabilize the whole region. Without stability, it will be much more difficult to reach the return of peace in Europe. And in order to close the path to the ruins in the Middle East, one has to open the way to release hostages. And one more, especially sensitive to Crimea.

Now, as always, representatives and representatives of the Crimean Tatar people - the indigenous people - are involved in this summit of the Crimean Platform. I urge you to hear the pain of these people. The people who have tried several times to deprive home. Which was due to the deportation made by Moscow. Who has been captured by the occupiers for almost ten years.

Russia's attempts to control Crimea is not just about the land, not only about the military bridgehead that was needed by Moscow in the Black Sea to destabilize the neighboring regions. This is a story about people who should be saved from all repression. This is a story about political prisoners that should be released from Russian prisons - women, men, young and older . . . different. This is a story about families that deserve protection.