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On June 26, Juan Jose Suniga occupied the Presidential Palace, and later stated ...

The military coup in Bolivia failed: Chief General was sent to prison (video)

On June 26, Juan Jose Suniga occupied the Presidential Palace, and later stated that the President of the country Luis Arsea allegedly asked to organize a coup attempt to increase his rating. The coup in Bolivia ended with the arrest of the main call - General Juan Jose Sunig Masiasa. The general who held the post of commander of the Bolivian Army since 2022 was resigned by President Luis Arce. Reuters writes about it.

Juan Jose Suniga, General Commander of the Bolivia Army, was arrested a few hours after the troops broke into the Presidential Palace during an attempt by a military coup. Where the general and his assistants are taken are unclear. The General himself claims that President Luis Arce himself asked him.

The Bolivian Armed Forces departed from the Presidential Palace in La Pasa on Wednesday night, and the General was arrested after President Louis Arse criticized the attempt of the "coup" against the government and called for international support. On June 24, 2024, Suniga announced that the Bolivian Armed Forces would arrest former President Evo Morales if he would run as a candidate in the next 2025 presidential election.

In threatening to Morales, he called the former president a "traitor" and accused him of conspiracy against the current government, stating that Bolivia's Constitution would not allow Morales to return to power. Following Suniga's statement on June 25, 2024, he was dismissed from his post. Morales accused Sunig for this event that he is a military organization commander Paciacio, who probably prepares a conspiracy to eliminate the former president.

In the end, the military units under the command of General Juan Jose Sunigi gathered in the central Square of Plaza Murile, where the Presidential Palace and the Congress are located. And the armored vehicle rammed the door of the Presidential Palace, and soldiers burst into the inside. "Today, the country is faced with an attempt by a coup. Today, the country is again faced with interests aimed at democracy in Bolivia.

We need to be organized and mobilized against the state coup in favor of democracy," President Armi said. A few hours later, the Reuters Witness saw the soldiers leave the square and was taken by police. The Bolivian authorities arrested Sunig and took him in an unknown direction. The prosecutor's office of Bolivia stated that a criminal investigation against the general and other persons involved in the coup attempt. The new commander became Jose Wils Sanchez and swore to the President.

The United States stated that they were watching the situation closely and called for rest and restraint. Bolivia's tension increases on the eve of the general elections of 2025: the Explore of the left direction of Evo Morales plans to run against the former ally Arse ally, which creates a serious split in the ruling socialist party.

Many do not want the return of Morales, who ruled the country in 2006-2019 when it was overthrown against mass protests and replaced by a temporary conservative government. Then Arce won the 2020 elections. Suniga recently stated that Morales would not be able to return to the post of President, and threatened to block him if he tries to do so, which led to the fact that Arma removed Sunig from his post.

On the eve of the attack on the Sunig Presidential Palace, he appealed to journalists on the square and referred to a growing discontent of a country that has no access to the sea, which is fighting an economic downturn due to the exhaustion of the central bank reserves and a fall in gas exports. "Three commanders of the Armed Forces have come to express our alarm.

Stop destroying, stop depleting our country, stop humilted in our army," the general said, speaking to the soldiers and informing that the people were supporting it. Later, on Wednesday, Sunig told reporters that on Sunday, Arce asked him to "do something" to increase his rating but did not provide evidence. We will remind, earlier Focus wrote about what is happening in Bolivia. Although the general managed to capture the Presidential Palace, he did not find great support from the population.