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Finland lost part of the territory and became uninteresting Russia, said the com...

"We have already won": Commander of the 57 Brigade of the Armed Forces compared the chances of Ukraine and Finland

Finland lost part of the territory and became uninteresting Russia, said the commander of the 57 brigade. Ukraine also has such chances of salvation, but we would like no loss of land. The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, who are holding the front near Kharkiv and in the Donbass, are waiting for the shells, which were promised by US government officials. Thanks to these shells there is a chance to save the life of the infantry.

Meanwhile, it can be assumed that Ukraine has already won the war with the Russian Federation, although it is in a position similar to the position of Finland after the Second World War. Colonel Alexander Bakulin told about what similar and different wars of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Finland, the commander of the 57th Armed Forces brigade, in an interview with the US ABS News.

The journalist explained that he was talking to Bakulin in a "secret place" somewhere near Kharkiv, where the brigade was holding defense, stopping the attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The commander assured that the advance of the enemy was slowed down, but the situation is still difficult. Despite the current activation of the Russians, he is convinced that Ukraine has already won, although the fighting is still ongoing, and when they end - it is unknown.

"We have already won this war. The question is when it is over and at what stage," the military said. Bakulin explained why Ukraine looks like Finland. The Soviet Union attacked Finland (in November 1939, three months after the beginning of World War II) and occupied a large part of the territory. This country managed to return some part of the land, but part still remained under the control of the USSR, and now belongs to Russia.

That is, Finland won, though it lost its territory, and its independence was still recognized by the Russians. The 57 brigade commander hopes that Ukraine will stand, at least he would not want losses. "It still exists as a country, and Russia does not even look in the same direction. We are in the same position, but I hope that we will not lose our land," Bakulin explained.

It should be noted that the Russian-Finnish war, or the so-called "Winter War", lasted from November 30, 1939 to March 13, 1940. Under the pretext of "fighting the bourgeoisie" the USSR occupied part of Finland and formed the Finnish Soviet Republic. After that, they concluded a peace, which was the result of which the Russian Federation pushed its border in Karelia away from Leningrad.

After the end of World War II, the Finns could not return the occupied territories (fought on the side of Germany). In the meantime, Focus wrote an assessment of the current situation in the Russian-Ukrainian war from the experts of the Foreign Affairs portal-a military analyst and the excellence of defense of Ukraine. They emphasized that in the third year of the war, the Western countries have not yet developed a plan for the victory of Ukraine, instead they were talking about eternal support.

At the same time, Finland a year after the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, in the spring of 2023, became a member of the North Atlantic Alliance and found itself under the "umbrella" of NATO. We would like to remind you that NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg repeated in May that Ukraine may not expect an invitation to the Alliance at the Washington Summit.