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On September 25, Volodymyr Putin held a meeting of the Russian Security Council ...

Scares the event but can hit: is Putin ready to use nuclear weapons

On September 25, Volodymyr Putin held a meeting of the Russian Security Council on nuclear restraint, announcing amendments to the country's nuclear doctrine. What new scenarios, in which Moscow reserves the right to use nuclear weapons, says - found out the focus. Opening a permanent meeting of the Russian Security Council from nuclear restraint, Putin emphasized that it was a planned event, which is traditionally held twice a year.

At the same time, it should be noted that earlier such meetings were held exclusively at the closed door. This time, Vladimir Putin's introductory speech was shown directly on the live, that is, it was clear to the Russian authorities to send a clear signal to their opponents.

The key theme of the meeting of the Russian Council of the Russian Federation was to make clarification to the "basics of state policy in the field of nuclear restraint" - the Russian nuclear doctrine, which was last updated in 2020. "The modern military-political situation is dynamically changing, including the emergence of new sources of military threats and risks for Russia and our allies.

In view of this, it is extremely important to predict the development of the situation and accordingly adapt the provisions of the strategic planning document to the current realities," Putin said . According to him, during the last year the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the apparatus of the Security Council and other agencies conducted a "deep, comprehensive analysis, evaluated the need to adjust approaches to the possible use of nuclear forces.

" It was according to the results of this work that the ruler of the Russian Federation summarized, it was proposed to make a number of clarifications to the nuclear doctrine. Putin's bank statement about the expansion of the Russian doctrine of nuclear restraint was called blackmail. "In addition to nuclear blackmail in the Russian Federation, there is nothing more, no other tools for intimidating the world.

These tools will not work," - the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak wrote on Telegram. For their part, experts with whom the focus spoke, is convinced that a number of new provisions of nuclear doctrine, the Russian authorities are tied, first of all, to the systematic attacks of the Armed Forces on strategic objects in the Russian Federation, since the Kremlin considers that these actions are carried out with direct support nuclear powers - the US, France and the United Kingdom.

In particular, political scientist Oleg Posternak in conversation with focus states: "It is obvious that periodic strikes of the Armed Forces within the Russian Federation, as well as Kursk operation, have been a kind of stimulus for changes in nuclear doctrine. In particular, the "foundations of public policy in the field of nuclear restraint", they can write anything, but for Russia it is not a direct principle, whether it is an incentive to action when making important decisions.

, which will be guided in accordance with both foreign policy circumstances and the situation within the Russian Federation.

" Having noted that the innovations announced by the Kremlin, among other things, involve the use of nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation, the expert stated: "Aggression against the Russian Federation has already taken place because the Ukrainian armed forces violated the sovereign border of the Russian Federation, occupying part of Kursk region. To regard it as aggression, but she did not do so, deciding not to notice.

Under the prism of direct aggression, but here the Kremlin is blind. According to the political scientist, amending the nuclear doctrine, the Kremlin is trying to intimidate the event and to bring together the Kyiv's initiative to use long -range Western weapons in the Russian Federation, as it will have "tremendous symbolic and reputational importance and will become a personal blow to Putin.

" "The probable permission for Ukraine for the use of" longitudinal "scales the participation of the population of the Russian Federation in the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is the secret of this right to beat Western weapons.

That is, when the average Russian will see how the Ukrainian Western production rocket flies in Russian cities, it will be It is not that Putin's weakness, but a fiction of the entire Putin regime, which, being incapable of protecting his own population, put his heads under the rocket-aroma "rains",-that is why, that is why it is why changes to the nuclear doctrine, the Kremlin, Kremlin, Kremlin, Kremlin.

In his opinion, he acts on prejudice, sending warning signals to expand his circle for maneuver. Emphasizing that there is a difference between those "nuclear" statements that were heard from the Russian Federation before the Russian Federation, political scientist Alexei Yakubin in conversation with focus emphasizes: "Most often, a nuclear dub actively waved Medvedev, who actually has the status of new Zhirinovsky.

Now Putin's mouth actually wants to demonstrate that it is not just about loud statements, but about the real changes of the nuclear doctrine, which they will undoubtedly approve. And, in my opinion, it is unlikely to be able to ignore these norms without the final loss of Putin's public face, although the backlash for interpretations remains. " : "Russia has tried to extract this scenario before, but the United States was not perceived in such a radius, since Russia is not a Soviet Union.

But now Moscow again wants to play this card, and in the perspective of probable practical implementation. Plus - the Russian Federation wants to clearly demonstrate that such decisions it will make without looking back at Beijing, which consistently and systematically at different international sites, including G7, states that real red lines are nuclear weapons.

That is, by changing its nuclear doctrine, Putin shows not only the West, but also China that there are questions that the Russian Federation will make autonomously. And the list of these issues is the use of nuclear weapons. " During the public part, they stated that in the fall of 2022, Russia was very close to the use of nuclear weapons and that then they communicated with the Russian Federation in different channels.

That is, it is an indicator that the event in principle is quite serious about this story. Just as seriously, I think, the West will also treat the current Putin statements regarding the change in nuclear doctrine. Meanwhile, it is obvious that one of the goals pursued by Putin is that the West does not grant Ukraine permission to use long -range missiles in the Russian Federation, "the political scientist sums up. Experts of the Institute for War Study (ISW).