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The full -scale war of Russia in Ukraine is an attempt to revive the USSR. Becau...

Ukraine and Putin's attempts to revive the USSR. The main result of 2022

The full -scale war of Russia in Ukraine is an attempt to revive the USSR. Because for them it is not just a "union state". For them, this is Russia of the Century of the Soviet Union, so it would be absolutely unnoticed if in February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin from conversations about the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the XX century" would not have passed to a large -scale invading war in Ukraine.

At the same time, Putin himself practically does not hide the true purpose of this war. Yes, he speaks of the threats of Russia's security, "denacification" and "demilitarization" of Ukraine, but also about "historical Russia" as well. And what is this "historical Russia", as the Soviet Union itself? It is amazing, but in the Soviet Union, its anniversaries were also practically not celebrated. The main were completely different ideological holidays.

From a logical point of view, the USSR would have to be the day of December 30 - especially since it was perfectly invested in the New Year's holidays. But on December 30, 1922, the Soviet leadership preferred not to mention. The main holidays of the Soviet Union remained the Day of the Bolshevik coup on November 7, 1917 and Victory Day in World War II in Europe ("Great Patriotic") on May 9, 1945.

The modern reader, especially the one who did not live in the Soviet Union, may be surprised why it is so. And the one who lived in the Soviet Union has never wondered why on December 30 it did not become a state holiday. And because for the Soviet leadership, the Soviet Union was a fashion. On November 7, 1917, the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia and after the acceleration of the Constituent Assembly won in the Civil War with supporters of democratic development of the country and monarchists.

At the same time, there was a war against the countries that declared their independence after the collapse of the empire. This is how Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia were occupied. But the Bolsheviks did not want new problems with national movement in the occupied territories. That is why they invented the "tubes"-the same as in 2014 the so-called "People's Republics" of Donbass was proclaimed.

In 1922, after a long debate of the Bolshevik leaders - Lenin disagreed with Stalin, who wanted to turn the occupied territories into Russian autonomy - the Soviet Union was proclaimed. But for the leadership of Russia (which, among other things, became the leadership of the USSR, the government of the RSFSR simply became the government of the USSR) the Soviet Union remained Russia.

Soviet leaders could talk about internationalism, the union of brotherly peoples, but in fact they perceived their country as a communist Russian Empire. And it also treated the Soviet Union of the population of the Russian Federation. That is why for chauvinists the collapse of the Soviet Union is a catastrophe. Because for them the USSR was not a real federal state for a single day. And he was always just Russia.

Even after the collapse of the USSR in Moscow, they continued to expect that they would be able to restore the "union state", which, of course, continued to keep in mind the same Russia with other former union republics. And when they were convinced that it was utopian hopes, they decided that the best method of recovery in the USSR was a special operation. That is war.

Therefore, the main result of 2022, which we do not even notice under the rocket strikes of the Russian army - is that no Soviet Union is still on the map of the world. After all, the plans of the Russian leadership probably already had the restoration of this political monster after waiting for a "quick victory" over Ukraine. But there was no quick victory. The Soviet Union remained in the past. The past never wins the future - it is a truth that stubbornly do not want to agree in the Kremlin.