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TV presenter Masha Efrosinina has long hidden what her husband Timur Khromaev is...

The brigade commander in the frontline zone: Masha Efrosinina told where her husband-military is served

TV presenter Masha Efrosinina has long hidden what her husband Timur Khromaev is doing. The well -known Ukrainian TV presenter gave an interview in which she finally confessed what her husband, businessman Timur Khromaev in the Armed Forces. Earlier, a TV presenter, who was arrested in close, and then sentenced to the Russian Federation, hid the details about her husband's service. About it reports "RBC-Ukraine".

The man of Efrosinina went to the front volunteer and for a year, as he officially serves in the Armed Forces. Masha Efrosinina did not tell all this time what Timur Khromaev did. According to her, for more than a year the man has been serving in the 112nd brigade, in the front area and became the commander. "He went to a volunteer and has decided to formally formulate in the Armed Forces. He is already a team commander today, in his unit more than 100 people.

They are engaged in radio electronic struggle, UAV and drones. They physically, at the expense of technologies, destroy enemy goals," he has admitted. The TV presenter confessed that she was very proud of her husband. And she wanted to share this information so that commentators cease to write her negative comments on social networks. She confessed that they were already planning to do with Timur after the war with the Russian Federation.

"If, after the war in Ukraine, corruption does not disappear, my Timur will go to fight it. He will not give it, and such as he, allies of him, his brothers. They are not there for fighting, killing, injuring and seeing death. They are after The victories will be asked, "the presenter said. She said that the man is on vacation now, and they are trying to spend more time together.

According to Masha, her husband has changed a lot and tells little about what is happening in the war with the Russian Federation. But in one story she still shared, saying that one of the guys with whom her husband served was storming and died. Masha Efrosinina and Timur Khromaev pair lived for 20 years in marriage. The couple has two children. Earlier, Efrosinina told that he had merged with her husband when he decided to go to the war. She thought he was throwing her.

"My psyche was defending, she said," You stay alone. He wrote a testament. This means that he said goodbye to me somewhere. This means that he chose a war, not me with our children, "the star said, noting that he works with a psychologist, trying to cope with stress. Recall that Masha Euphrosyinine was previously convicted in the Russian Federation for seven years in a colony. The sentence made a scandalous Basmann district court in Moscow.