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Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented for the first time presented recently advisers to ...

Peace from Donald. Is Trump able to end the Russian-Ukrainian war

Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented for the first time presented recently advisers to the US expatriate and a candidate for the post of Head of State Donald Trump Plan for Peace in Ukraine. As they evaluate this initiative on Bankova and what the chances of practical implementation it have, found out the focus. Volodymyr Zelensky states that the plan of advisers to the President of US President Donald Trump, who provides possible territorial concessions is a "bad idea".

The President said this in an interview with the Columstist The Philadelphia Inquirer Truby Rubin. Emphasizing that he "does not know how to end the war in one day", the President stated: "But the thing is not Trump . . . If he has such a model, well, who will oppose? They want to complete the war a day, but even more than an hour.

Zelensky emphasized that the territorial concessions of Ukraine would not resolve the situation, since Putin needs to "feed his society with information about the pseudo -victory", and therefore it, that is, Putin, "must be put in place. " "If the idea (Donald Trump - focus) is to give our territories - it is a bad idea. It will not lead to peace in Ukraine and between Ukraine and Russia," the President summed up.

It should be reminded that recently Donald Trump advisers who worked during his presidency in the leadership of the US National Security Council-Kit Kellogg and Fred Fleitz-presented a plan for termination of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In particular, it stipulates that Trump may stop the supply of military assistance to Ukraine if he refuses peace negotiations. Instead, the Kremlin will warn that any refusal to negotiate will lead to prompt and significant strengthening of Kyiv's support.

The election headquarters of the Republican candidate is assured that the priority of his potential second term will be just as soon as possible the end of the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. International expert Maxim Nesvitaylov in a conversation with focus states: "Judging by all available information, it seems that Trump wants to get to sit at the negotiation table Russian Federation and Ukraine through direct pressure.

That is, he says that if Ukraine does not want to negotiate, then We will be stopped with any support, and if the negotiations do not want the Russian Federation, Ukraine will strengthen support several times. At the same time, the political scientist notes, the so -called Trump peace plan is very easy to sell his electorate.

"From the fact that Trump spoke on the debate, it follows that he quite consciously throws into the information space those theses that can be popular with his electorate, which perceives it all to faith. At the same time, Trump does not complicate his rhetoric with subject explanation. Either thin processes. . Answering the focus questions about whether the Russian Federation is more interested in the victory of Mr.

Trump than Baiden, the expert noted: "I think Russia is interested in any of them to become president. And the Republicans, seeing that they lose the new candidate-democrat, will also be replaced, and then we can really see the "elections of a healthy person". Ani republicans have not replaced their candidates, and Ukraine, on the contrary, is interested in the candidate's "restarting". , which will be ready to take responsibility for making quick decisions.

And this is not about Baiden or Trump, "-sums up the expert. In turn, political scientist Maxim Jigun in conversation with focus makes the following emphasis:" I am convinced that Trump, making any statement during the election campaign, pursues a key purpose-victory In elections, not ending the war in Ukraine. That is, for the sake of entering the White House, Trump is ready to voice statements that resonate with the moods of his electorate.

In other words, instead of talking about difficult but important solutions in the time you really needed, Trump is engaged in populism, offering simple solutions for extremely difficult problems. " Putin. His behavior is now reminiscent of the political attacks of the showman, who, feeling his audience well, is always playing with her theses that are popular in the United States according to various focus groups and sociological research, "Maxim Jiggun said.

In his opinion, Trump-Trump- This is a person who, during his previous stay in the President, is accustomed to the format of management and policy, which involves conquering from all other parties. that in 24 hours to realistically end the war on the site of more than a thousand kilometers of the front, "says the political scientist. At the same time, the expert continues, Trump is still not aware that Putin is uninteresting his positions and suggestions.

" I have such premonitions that if Trump starts to move The so -called peace plan, this plan will quickly come across the reefs of the Russian side to fulfill its conditions, " - said Maxim Jigun. In his opinion, he can lead the situation either in a dead end, or radicalize Trump himself against Russia.