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The mass of the combat part of the Russian rocket was almost doubled - to 800 kg...

Double Banner rocket: Experts have revealed the details of upgrading X-101

The mass of the combat part of the Russian rocket was almost doubled - to 800 kg, with the warhead equipped with penetrating elements of cubic shape. But the rocket's range has decreased. Russia has successfully modernized the winged X-101 rocket, which now has a warhead weighing about 800 kg. In fact, it is a double increase in the destructive power of the rocket, since the weight of the rocket was 400 kg. This was reported on April 2 at Defense Industry Europe.

It is reported that not only the increase in the mass of the warhead, but also the decision to place two separate combat units. Thus, the improved X-101 missile contains not one but two separate warheads. This became clear after the inspection of the whipped X-101 after Russia's attack on the night of March 29.

The combat part has been added penetrating cubic shapes, which are commonly used in anti -aircraft weapons, but in this case they are adapted to strike on the ground, providing increased mortality for living force. "At the moment of use of winged X-101 missiles for land for land purposes in residential neighborhoods, these elements of the lesion pose a deadly danger to the civilian population. It was for this purpose that the X-101 was improved for this,"-said military expert Dmitry Snegirev.

Meanwhile, the increase in the mass of the warhead is associated with the disadvantages - the increase was achieved by the cost of reducing the fuel stock of the rocket, which led to a reduction in its flight range from 5500 km to about 2250 km.

But despite the two -time reduction of the flight range, experts consider it enough to carry out strategic operations, including the possible start -ups from the Saratov region of the Russian Federation for purposes located up to the Lviv region of Ukraine. The stock for maneuvers to bypass the Ukrainian air defense systems is also stored.