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The system contains a radar station, a radio frequency scanner, an optical recog...

The combination of "calm" and "storm": in the Russian Federation developed a complex SI-system against drones-ISW

The system contains a radar station, a radio frequency scanner, an optical recognition station and a means of obstruction. In Russia, a complex system of radio -electronic struggle (HRV), which is designed to counteract drone, has been developed. About it reports "Institute of War Study" in the summary of February 26.

The Director of the Development of the Russian Manufacturer of UAP LLC "Stupor" Vladislav Kustarev stated on February 26 that the enterprise released a system of detection and suppression of drones containing a radar station, a radio frequency scanner, a station of optical drone recognition and means of obstacles to protect objects.

According to Kustarev, several ways of counteracting drones have been implemented in the new Reb, it combines the "storm" and "calm" systems (the radius of both five kilometers), as well as the PARCS system with a range of up to two kilometers that suppresses UAVs with a "dome" or a beam of directional action. It is reported that the system has a software that increases the reliability of the system and protects against false work.