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At the same time, according to ISW analysts, on May 22, the defense forces retur...

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation advanced near the time ravine and in two more settlements - Deepstate

At the same time, according to ISW analysts, on May 22, the defense forces returned to themselves in the eastern part of the time ravine against the background of the Russian offensive. Russian troops have advanced in the Time Yar area, and also have success in the Tickyevka and Krasnogorivka of Donetsk region. This is reported by the Deepstate project.

According to the Institute of War Study, the Defense Forces of Ukraine have recently returned the surrounding area in the eastern part of the temporal ravine against the background of the Russian offensive in the area on May 22. Geolovanized footage, published on May 21, show that the Armed Forces recently returned several buildings in the eastern part of the Channel district (extreme eastern part of the city).

The Ministry of Defense of Russia stated that the elements of the Russian troops of the Russian Federation captured the Tick, although the Russian militarycock has specified that the Ukrainian forces were still operating in the territory of the settlement. Other Russian sources argued that the Russian troops advanced further in the Kingyshiyivka area, and that the Ukrainian forces were departing from positions to the west of the settlement.

ISW did not find confirmation that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation seized the settlement or advanced further west of it. The Telegram-channel of the 98th Division of the Redea Federation states that parts of the division advanced 500 meters within the Channel residential district and fight on the eastern outskirts of the Novyi district (eastern part of the city of Yar).

Khortytsa's representative Lieutenant Colonel Nazar Voloshin said that the Russian troops were expected to be renewed to replenish part of the 98th VAT Division, which participated in offensive operations east of the Temporal Yar. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also continued offensive operations to the east of the Temporal Yar in the Ivanivskyi area and southwest of the city in the Andreevka area.

The Russian troops argued that parts of the 6th Motorized Rifle Division (3rd Army Corps) seized the mite that parts of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division of the Southern Military District and the 11th VAT Brigade operate in Ivanovo, and parts of the 98th VAT and 11th Division -VAT brigade control the site of the Stupka-Golubovsky 2 reserve to the eastern coast of the Siversky Donetsk Donbas. Let us remind you whether the Russian Federation can start an offensive on the Sumy region.