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On the screen of Ukraine there was a large-scale cartoon

Mavka cartoon premiere. Stunning images and analogies with the Russian-Ukrainian war

On the screen of Ukraine there was a large-scale cartoon "Mavka. Forest Song" by Lesya Ukrainka's drama-extravaganza, which was filmed for 7 years. "Mavka. Forest Song" showed a new level of Ukrainian animation: bright, modern, keeping up with the world trends. The image of the forest nymph-law is amazing. He impressed children and adults. The unconditional luck of the tape is the character of Kotozhab: many people wanted to take pictures with him.

The painting prophetically guessed some realities related to the Russian-Ukrainian war: good Mavka has long undergone provocative cables of Kilina, until that time and did not organize an armed invasion of peasants, which led to the battle of people and forest dwellers. Righteous anger transforms Mavka, but love wins! A huge number of spectators came to the Oscar premiere in Oscar.

Air alarm detained the start of the premiere, but about half past eight in the evening, after demonstration on the evacuation screen, the movie began. Visually new "Mavka" is a new round of domestic animation. Water, forests and mountains are fantasy. A carefully developed world where the heroine lives. There are forest residents - they live behind a dark mountain, there are people who do not cross this border.

All this happened after the war between people and forest residents - through the owner of Tartak. After a bloody battle, where no one won, peace was established. This is an exposition. The fairy-tale preamble is reminiscent of the beginning of "Helboy-2. The Golden Army" (2008). The screenwriter Yaroslav Wojciezhek ("The Princess stolen: Ruslan and Ludmila", "Pulse", "Zakhar Berkut") used in "Mavka" a lot of trends of world cinema of recent times.

The image of the fashionable opponent of Mavka-Kilina and her assistant, who dreams of opening a network of boutiques, resonates with the demonic-glamorous character, Maryl Strill with "The Devil Wears Prada" (2006) and a modern "Krella" (2021). The turn of the mowed bison is close to the Hayao Miyazaki cartoon scene "excluding the winds" (1984), where the princely valley was able to curb the uncontrolled running beetle-mutant beetles.

The fiery anger of Mavka looks like what happened to Gina Gray in the form of a dark Phoenix from the superhero fantasy "People X-2. The Last Battle" (2006). The conflict of charming inhabitants of the forest and people is reminiscent of the battle of Naul and Earthlings in Avatar (2009).

However, the Wojciezku managed to competently mix the drama-extravaganza of Lesya Ukrainka with the patriarchal world of the drama-extravaganza-and came out a little postmodern, but generally and convincingly with the patriarchal world. As for the visual, the directors Oleg Malomuzh and Alexander Ruban made a perfect picture - a bright, saturated with paints and special effects.

Where necessary, characters (puppy, cotob) cause arousing; Where necessary - awe (these are spirits of fire, water, earth); Where to throw a pinch of horror - the look of the main character, who transformed into a fiery tornado. The lyrical line of relations between Mavka and Lukash is very beautifully made - is not the only thing that is taken from the literary primary source: tully views, embarrassed smiles, uncomfortable touches of hands - thin lyrical work.

Mavka herself is wonderful for her mixture of charm and naivety, kindness and sincere curiosity. Good comedy characters-Kotozhab, made in the opinion of the producer of the project Yegor Olesov-can not but enter any audience. His ability to swim and dive (quality is known not inherent in cats) "shot" behind the plot - at the right moment, in the right place.

Eric and Deric, a couple of French servants-Kostolis Kilina-clumsy, rude, have a huge physical strength, but do not differ in a special mind, and therefore constantly fall into meaningless and funny situations. The glamorous assistant Kilina is a typical representative of the fashion industry, which the cartoon authors have walked sarcastically.

This also applies to Kilina herself, in which many characters are intertwined-from Cruella to the animated Shamachan Queen, who always dreams of all a hundred and ready for this on any sneak. It is Kilina's idea-again to go an armed attack on the forest-is the central conflict of the animated tape and resembles the stages of the war Russia-Ukraine, since 2014.

Kilina in one of the episodes clearly demonstrates how with the help of ominous fictions and stamps to adjust the good -natured peasants yesterday for war with forest dwellers. This episode is the ideal show of the mechanism of work of Russian propaganda of the transcoding of a trusting inhabitant. And Kilina, under the guise of burns of the same rural residents, crosses all borders.

Her aggression is virtually flavored with lies and provocations: by analogy, it is impossible not to mention the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin - the same techniques and actions. And the reaction to all these pranks reminiscent of all phases of Ukraine's response from 2014 to 2022: astonishment, surprise, annoyance, aggression, and then - the fiery righteous anger, when it became obvious that all this became a matter of physical survival.

The scene of the transformation of Mavka into fiery prominence - today is one of the most hampered in the world cinema, which, is it possible to compare with the transformations of the red witch from "Dr. Stranga: in the Multivita of Madness" (2022). But the budget here is about 200 million UAH, and there is the same figure, but in dollars. The episode is wonderful! The only rinse in the cartoon "Mavka" is the way out of this destroying everything and all (and self -destructive) state.

According to the plot, the Mavka had to go to the deal with some serious magical entities to find this superpower. And they demanded a serious victim. At this moment, no one in the movie - the hall was sitting without moving. And in order to get out of this real dangerous situation, the Mavtsi only had to say one word. Which one? Come, learn. The cartoon "Mavka.