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Accurate hit in the IL-76 aircraft fuselage is almost impossible to provide from...

Hi from Prigogine? Who in the Russian Federation could launch drones-Kamikadze on the airfield in Pskov

Accurate hit in the IL-76 aircraft fuselage is almost impossible to provide from another country. Ukrainian intelligencers could take advantage of conflicts in the military leadership of the Russian Federation and the desire of the "Wagnets" to take revenge for the death of the leader. For such attacks, a regular drone with a grenade device will be enough, military engineers and analysts said focus.

Il-76 heavy military transport planes, located at the Crosses' airfield in the Russian Pskov, could be attacked from the Russian Federation. Two aircraft were destroyed and two more were seriously damaged, told The War Zone Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov. "We work from the territory of Russia," the commander briefly said, without specifying whether the GUR staff or Russian guerrillas involved in the attack.

How many types of drones participated in the attack, Budanov did not tell. GUR sources were provided with The War Zone, which shows the result of one of the shocks. The drone hit the same place where two planes were damaged. The fuel on board could be the cause of the two of the other aircraft. Most likely, the drone dropped the bombs, and his flight was corrected on the spot, journalists say. Other satellite images visually confirm the destruction of two aircraft and serious damage to two more.

Budanov added that they hit four IL-76 by chance. Planes in working order, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use them to transport military cargoes and paratroopers. The Russian Air Force contains about 100 good IL-76. How strong damage will this attack of Russia's ability to deliver goods and troops will still see. It can be said that such attacks will continue, suggest the authors of the material. The drones launched at the airport accurately hit the fuselage of aircraft.

The drone should be constantly in touch with the operator for accurate guidance. It looks fantastic from Ukraine to fly from Ukraine almost 800 km and get into such a hard technical point of view, says the former testing engineer of the Antonov Design Bureau, Avayexpert Konstantin Kryvolap. "Of course, it can be said that relaying UAVs were flying somewhere. The airfield, according to him, should be people who will track the movement of aircraft.

It is quite possible to get drones with explosives in Russia. To do this, you need to bribe the law enforcement officers or special services, confident Krivolap. GUR MO staff could well use the growing confrontation between Russian security forces and special services, says the coordinator of the Information Resistance group, military expert Alexander Kovalenko. "After the liquidation of the head of PEC" Wagner "Yevgeny Prigogine is not excluded the option of attracting mercenaries.

They cannot reveal openly power and personally to the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. In addition, not all Russian warlords are satisfied with censorship," he said. As an example, the expert cited the commander of the 58th Army, Major General Ivan Popov. The "older command" removed him from office because of a report on problems in the Russian army.

Popov drew attention to the main tragedy in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the absence of counter -battery struggle, artillery intelligence and the mass death of the invaders from the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. Those who want to contact with Ukrainian scouts will be found, many disagree with the Politics of the Russian Federation. The GUR Ministry of Defense has enough experience in recruiting different people, including in Russia, added Kovalenko.

Spotting on objects are possible homemade drones-Kamikadze. They buy a regular drone, it is installed on a device for dumping a grenade or a shot of RPG-7 with a combat part, explain. We will remind, recently at the meeting with President Vladimir Zelensky confirmed the use of a long -range weapon made in Ukraine. Minestrateprom reported on the target damage for 700 kilometers.