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Volodymyr Putin states that ceasefire before the start of peace talks is impossi...

Putin is in a hurry. Why is the Kremlin unbuttoned the topic of peace talks

Volodymyr Putin states that ceasefire before the start of peace talks is impossible, and the role of probable intermediaries should not be overestimated. As the Kremlin see the start of the negotiation process, he found out the focus. After graduating from the Shanhai Collaboration Organization (SCO), which took place in Astana on July 3-4, Putin said that Russian troops would not stop fire in Ukraine before the negotiation process.

"We need to ensure that the opposite side agreed to take steps that would be irreversible and acceptable to the Russian Federation. The ceasefire of the fire without achieving this arrangement is impossible," he said. In addition, Putin said that he did not want to negotiate through intermediaries: "We always advocated negotiations and we never refused them.

The question is that it is only that the conflict with the help of intermediaries and only because of them seems unlikely because it is important because , both the moment of competence of the mediator and his powers. " Meanwhile, the experts with whom focus spoke are convinced that all statements that are now being made by the highest leadership of Russia are nothing more than situational speculations with subtext.

Putin's statements, which were heard as a result of the SCO summit, is the continuation of the same ultimatum he voiced before the Peace Summit in Switzerland, political scientist Taras Zagorodniy is convinced. "Putin seeks Ukraine to leave four temporarily occupied areas, after which an international conference must be held to record the outcome of the war.

In other words, he wants direct negotiations with the United States of America and still dreams of Yalta in 1945, where he wants to divide the world. But in reality, Putin offers not Yalta 45, but Munich of the 38th, when Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier gave a little Czechoslovakia on Hitler, but aggression continued, and it became only a prelude before the Second World War, " talking with focus.

At the same time, according to Taras Zagorodny, Putin is now in a hurry, and there are several reasons for it. "First, I think that the Kremlin is still afraid of the arrival of Donald Trump's ruling steering wheel, as it may be completely unpredictable to them.

Secondly, in Moscow understand that the fall can already be very visible results in the fall Ukrainian special services on energy objects of the Russian Federation, and it will be obvious that the Russians begin serious problems with energy drones. - notes the expert. Meanwhile, in his opinion, the US and Europe will never adhere to the conditions put forward by Putin today.

"No one will take into account the Putin's precurses, because there is a UN Charter, Helsinki Agreements of 1975 on the inviolability of borders in Europe. Therefore, Putin puts forward absolutely unacceptable conditions that cannot be realized in principle," Taras Zagorodni sums up. "As of today, there are many parties who would like to act as intermediaries and negotiations on the regulation of the Russian-Ukrainian war. .

For example, I think with Erdogan, but in the current design, much depends on China New and probably hybrid, " - political scientist Igor Petrenko emphasizes in conversation with focus. According to the expert, much in this process depends on what will be in the focus of attention: ceasefire or any issues of more global scale. "With regard to far -sighted and global issues, it is obvious that no one is really ready for solving today.

But this should happen by analogy of the "grain agreement", where Turkey and the UN would also be mediators. Writing statements about the role of mediation and the inability to cease fire before the negotiation start, Putin tries to increase the starting rates as much as possible, says Igor Petrenko. In a recent interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer, Volodymyr Zelenskyy assumed the opportunity to negotiate with Russia with the participation of intermediaries.

As an example, he called the grain agreement, which was involved in Turkey and the UN. According to the President, this format has been working for a very long time and could be used in discussing issues of "territorial integrity, energy and navigation". If it is specifically about Turkey, the day before in the Kremlin stated that President Recep Taiip Erdogan could not be a mediator in negotiations on the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

This was stated by the Kremlin speaker Dmitry Peskov, which is quoted by Roszmi, during the meeting "in the fields of Putin and Erdogan's SHOS. In the Presidential Administration of Turkey, they did not resort to details, emphasizing only that during a meeting with Putin Erdogan discussed the Russian-Ukrainian war. Erdogan himself at the SOS summit without any specifics stated that "a fair peace that can satisfy both parties (Ukraine and Russia) is possible.

" He also promised that "Turkey will continue to make efforts to establish peace in the region and the world. " By the way, Erdogan previously insisted that the peace of peace cannot be held without the participation of the Russian Federation, since "peace plans that exclude Russia will not produce any results. " But Turkey participated in the Peace Summit in Switzerland and became one of the signatories of the final communique.

Putin's latest statements and analysts of the American Institute for War Study (ISW) were appreciated. In particular, the fresh report of the organization states that Putin directly rejected the involvement of the Russian Federation in any "significant" negotiations on the ceasefire agreement, instead demanding "irreversible demilitarization" of Ukraine. Analysts point out that in this way the Russian leader requires the actual surrender from Ukraine to cease fire.