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In Odessa, after the Russian shelling, four people were injured on August 26, in...

Without light, water and transport: the effects of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Vinnytsia and Odesa region

In Odessa, after the Russian shelling, four people were injured on August 26, including a 10-year-old child, Ova Ova reported. One person is injured in Vinnytsia region and there is damage to a private home. As a result of the impact of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which took place on August 26, there were problems with electricity supply in Odessa, in Vinnytsia, in addition to the disappearance of light, there was no water.

The utilities coped with the consequences of Russian shelling, but only partially. The head of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper told at the Telegram-channel, and the first deputy of the Vinnytsia Ova Natalia Zabolotna-on the Facebook page. On August 26, the Air Force of the Armed Forces declared air alarm in Odessa and Vinnitsa at different times. In Odessa, the signal was at 5:43 and canceled at 10:37: the alarm lasted almost two hours.

At the same time in the Vinnytsia region, the alarm was declared a few minutes later, at 6:03, canceled at 12:20: the duration - six hours. According to the Ukrainian command, Ukraine was threatened by drones-Kamikadze, missiles X-101, X-22, Calibers and Dagbaries. The means of lesions started from landfills in the east and south, aircraft Tu-93MS, TU-22M3, Mig-31 recharged rockets and headed to the starting borders. The first reports of the explosions appeared on the network, starting at 8 hours.

August 26. The head of the Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper at 6:36 reported explosions in Odessa and warned the citizens so that they did not enter the open space during the work of air defense forces. After that, a photo of a possible place of arrival, over which smoke, appeared in the local public. The deputy chairman of Vinnytsia Ova Natalia Zabolotna warned about the work of the air defense at 8:40. At the same time, local publications reported two or three loud sounds.

The events in Odessa at 11:00 Kiper told about the consequences of shelling of Odesa region on August 26. The official wrote that the Russian means of defeat had damaged the object of critical and civil infrastructure. Four people were injured, including a 10-year-old boy. The wounded are in a state of moderate, they are justified to the hospital. Civil houses and a large number of vehicles were damaged at the site of the Russian Federation, the official explained.

He also confirmed power supply and reported the departure of repairmen to the incidents. The mayor of Odessa Igor Trukhanov added some details to the effects of the blow of the Russians on August 26. According to him, in the regional center introduced emergency shutdowns of power supply. Due to lack of power, public transport stopped. Decount of transport of Budo temporary: within an hour he moved in the places where the line was restored, reported in the Odessa City Council.

Events in Vinnitsa Zabolotna at 11 hours. She reported that the Russian blow had damaged the object of critical infrastructure, which resulted in emergency shutdowns. Without light, 95 settlements of Vinnytsia region found themselves, the official wrote on the Facebook page. In addition, Vinnitsa had problems with water supply, but the pressure is restored.

Already at 10:20, the energy has restored the supply of electricity to a third of settlements, and by 11:20 the light was returned everywhere, the official says. According to Ova, the explosive wave damaged a private home, there is no information about the wounded and the dead. Vinnytsia Mayor Sergey Morgunov did not add details to the consequences of Russian shelling on August 26. The mayor reported the start of anxiety at 6:02 and end at 12:21.

It should be noted that during the shelling of August 26 in the Kiev region several objects of energy infrastructure were damaged, said the head of the Kiev OVA Ruslan Kravchenko. As a result of the work of the Air Force, the fragments of Dron-Kamikadze "Shahad" fell in four communities of Kyiv region, one person held wound. Emergency shutdowns are introduced in the capital, and the city authorities should deploy points of indomitability, the official said.