RCM2 was only presented in the middle of 2024 - at the ILA aviation exhibition in Berlin. The manufacturer promises that the rocket will have a wide range of options and a large radius. It will be equipped with stealth technologies to work in rigid or protected operating areas. RCM2 is expected to be launched from the air, earth and seas, which should increase the demand for it.
In addition, in the subsequent stages of expansion, the rocket will be able to receive intelligence or target data through sensors that will provide a real -time image. The probable range of RCM2 - 500 kilometers, if you run it from the ground, and even more if you run out of air. Not only classic fighters but also transport aircraft, such as Airbus A400M Atlas, can be used as aviation platforms.
The Earth-Earth variant will need an accelerator to ensure that the turbouoable engine will take on it. According to the media, the development can have the following dimensions: length - about meters, height - 40 centimeters, width - 30 centimeters. Weight without accelerator - about 350 kilograms. About a quarter of this weight will fall on a warhead. MBDA wants to make the key details for RCM2. While they are developing weapons at their own expense, but already have a potential customer.
It is noted that the rocket will initially be intended to affect the stationary goals or those that are moved periodically (for example, air defense positions). To find goals, you can release a rocket to scanning the target area. The Defense Express explained that the "freezing of design" means the final definition of outlines, details, dimensions of the structure, etc.
Analysts have recalled the discussion on the transmission of Taurus's winged missiles, which are only released from the sky and need appropriate carriers. There were no such problems with RCM2, because it should be more versatile, with a range of 500 kilometers. "Such a rocket could be more potentially interesting to us, but the nuance is that RCM2 is only getting the first outlines now," the observers said.
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