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1.83 UAH ▼0.96%
According to journalists, Russia managed to sell its raw oil above the limit of ...

The mechanism does not work: the US wants to punish the Russian Federation for exceeding the ceiling of oil prices - the media

According to journalists, Russia managed to sell its raw oil above the limit of $ 60. The Kremlin has created a sophisticated supply chain, and therefore to trace the limits of the restrictions. The United States of America wants to punish the Russian Federation for violation of the ceiling of prices is not oil. Washington plans to take steps that will ensure the restriction set by the G7 countries. About it writes Wall Street Journal.

According to US Finance Minister Janet Ellen, the states are watching all the restrictions very carefully. "We are very careful about compliance with the requirements and want to make sure that market participants are aware that the US is serious about this price limit," she said.

Journalists noted that Russia managed to sell their raw oil above the limit of $ 60 over a few weeks, at the same time, at the end of September, the basic prices increased to $ 85 per barrel, raising the question of whether the company is raised. Victor Katon, a leading KPler raw oil analyst, told reporters that the opinion in the market is such that there is no compulsion to comply with, and the ceiling mechanism does not work as it was thought.

Russia has developed a sophisticated oil supply chain to final buyers. This approach is a problem for any attempt to trace how the restriction is maintained. Trade companies, apparently, buy oil at reasonable prices in the Russian port, and then repeat several times right at sea. It is almost impossible to track such sales. It should be noted that at the end of September, the media reported that Russian oil continues to rise, despite the G7 price ceiling.