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The Kremlin is now watching the goals of war, and the

Putin views the goals of his ". What will the tactics of a thousand concessions from the event will lead to

The Kremlin is now watching the goals of war, and the "thousands of concessions" used by the West, strongly contributes to this, says analyst Alexander Kochetkov. She only ignites Putin's appetite, who later demands power almost over the world after the advertised peace of peace in Switzerland, to which we are proud, an act of shuttle diplomacy from V. Orban, which we condemn, has taken place. And then - nothing happens. Our authorities squeezed that Russia should participate in the next summit.

Instead, Russia immediately reacted that it has no desire, because it is all right: it is not going to capitulate, because it is leading the offensive, and it can take the surrender of the event in Moscow, without any summit. It is, of course, the pontoe, but peacekeeping activity clearly slowed down. The fact is that the Kremlin is now watching the goals of war.

It began in order, first, to give the exit to the externally frantic destructive energy of the resaity, which is associated with the cannibal "Russian measure". Secondly, to distract Russian society from the flashy socio-economic inequality, which is even larger there than in Ukraine, and related social tension. Third, to destroy Ukraine as an example of the fact that the authorities may not be eternal, but also change and respond to society in one way or another.

Fourth, indicative of cruelty against Ukraine (approaching when bombing Syria) to reassure the collective event in such a way that the Russian Federation is influenced by the influence of all post-Soviet countries. And in this sense, the destruction, for example, "Ohmatdit" is a completely conscious act of intimidation of Europeans - "you see, we have no brakes and restrictions, so we will do the same with you, if you do not adhere to our conditions.

" But now Putin and his surroundings have been amazed in a few things. First of all, NATO and the United States demonstrated suicide and uncertainty. Instead of taking advantage of the despair that was in the Kremlin after the failure of the blitz cliga against Ukraine, and decisively to complete the aggressor, the event began to act extremely cautiously, homeopathically dosing assistance and accompanying it with absurd restrictions that still operate.

And this is not a nuclear conflict (Hamas with Hazbola has no magic, but Israel also brings their hands to protect their country), namely the lack of determination in modern Western politicians and the ability to act for the sake of principles, overcoming fears. This "thousands of cuts" kills the attacker, and the "Those Thousand Treatment Tactics" destroys his victim. And the attacker enhances and stimulates.

The Kremlin was convinced that the Russians not only support the war against the once "brotherly people", but are also ready to die on it for propaganda ghosts and rough money. Also, the unexpected gift of the Kremlin Führer was that it did not become a full rag in the world. That international sanctions operate too gradually, and under -imperia has received equipment, completing both resources for conducting and even escalation of aggressive war.

That by force the same "world security order" is actually no one else. But to break - is. Accordingly, now the Furer "Russian measure" wants much more than at the beginning of the invasion: not control over the post -Soviet space, but a decisive influence throughout Europe, replacing the states. It is also not exclusive but noticeable in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Someone will call it a stupid euphoria from successes that have not yet been achieved.

But if the tactics of thousands of concessions by the collective event continue, then Putin will later demand power over the whole world - the growth of inadequacy from dictators who do not repeat, guaranteed. That is, when peace talks, or more precisely, bidding, will be renewed, the conditions of potential cessation of hostilities in the center of Europe can be shocking. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.