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According to the NSDC Secretary, every incorrectly adopted decision will have ir...

"New Axis of Evil in 15-20 years": Danilov named risks from the Union of Russia, Iran and China

According to the NSDC Secretary, every incorrectly adopted decision will have irreparable consequences in the future. The attention of the world has already begun to shift from the war in Ukraine, which creates additional risks. The events in the Middle East and other geopolitical processes in the form of risk of conflict in other areas of the planet reduce attention to the war in Ukraine, but Kiev takes into account it.

This was stated by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Alexei Danilov on Halifax International Security Forum on November 20. According to him, the Ukrainian side completely "soberly evaluates the world processes" and realizes that the attention of partner countries can shift at any time. "The world is in turbulence. There is an increase in geopolitical competition between Washington and Beijing.

Mesdges are increasingly being heard about the new world order, multi -polar world, etc. ," said Alexei Danilov. It was separately stated that if you take all the challenges today, there is a struggle between democracy and tyranny. Russia continues to be a threat to Ukraine, China is a major threat to the US, but the Union of China-Russia-Iran is already a challenge for the entire planet.

In this regard, the Secretary of the NSDC believes, it is time to change something for the better, otherwise you will have to deal with global consequences. It is also possible that there will be less military assistance for Ukraine. "If there are no changes in the event of the event to Russia, changes in Russia itself, then in 15-20 years a new" axis of evil ", which will include not only DPRK, China, Iran and Russia, but also some European countries will be included.

The external track will be a difficult situation for Ukraine. Attention can fall due to predicted conflicts in the Middle East, Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, around the Arctic and for ownership of resources, " - continued Alexei Danilov. We will remind, on November 20 the Secretary of the RNBR stated that in the Russian Federation there is possible total mobilization after the election of the President in 2024.