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If the command sets an unrealistic task, it is necessary to either report about ...

Because of the Lies in the Armed Forces and commanders: Combat 3 OSHBR invited the SCR fighters (video)

If the command sets an unrealistic task, it is necessary to either report about the capabilities of the unit, or to do what is actually, explained the 3 OSHBR Combat Dmitry Kukarchuk. The military stressed that the Lie in the Armed Forces leads to problems in the army and the escape of fighters. Unit commanders should have ideological training and know the rules of modern war, and then the military will not be left unauthorized (go to the HSC).

In order for the fighting to produce a positive result, you should not lie to the command and really talk about the possibility of the task. Dmitry Kukharchuk, a Media NV media, commander of the 2nd assault battalion of the 3rd Separate Storage Brigade (OSHBR). Kukarchuk confirmed that the third assault brigade is ready to accept the military who first left part of the military. In his opinion, the HCP has become a public problem that requires solution.

The journalist clarified what there was such a proposal - whether it is an alternative for fugitives, or an "attempt to remedy the situation" or "recruitment. " "It is, in fact, all together. Since we talk about any social processes, no one can close your eyes, we need to work unconditionally," the military stressed. The main reason for the escape from the units is "the wrong organization of the army", Kukarchuk explained.

At the same time, the preparation of commanders - from ideological preparation to the study of the features of modern war. The next problem is the lack of a state dialogue with people, the lack of a fighter dialogue with the commander, low moral and psychological training of soldiers, he said. The combat also spoke about problems in the army, which he knows from his own experience.

He saw a number of lower level commanders did not dare to report "to the mountain" the full truth about the situation on the front of the front, which is responsible for. The reason for such actions is the fear of losing office. At the same time, the journalist noted that the officer's orders may be on the task that can be performed with great losses. Kukarchuk explained that we should not lie and report on his capabilities, or perform what is capable of.

"You should not be afraid to talk about important things, because if you do not talk about them, if everything is lied, then there will be no positive result. Someone [from command] cannot be reached for the task. But if the problem can be accomplished, the task is fulfilled.

If the problem cannot be accomplished, it is reported that the problem cannot be accomplished, that is, the problem is cut is unrealistic, or it is performed in the volumes in which it is realistically done, " - Kukharchuk emphasized. It should be noted that on October 29, People's Deputy Anna Skorokhod reported that he knew about the "terribly large" number of HCP in the Armed Forces. She could not name the exact number because it is closed information.

According to her, it is approximately 100,000 people. One of the reasons is too many military personnel in high positions that are far from the front, the People's Deputy said. In early October, the focus wrote about the Verkhovna Rada's plans for punishment for unauthorized part of the part. Parliamentary Fedor Venislavsky explained that the new law for the first escape will not be criminal, but only if the citizen returns to the unit independently and voluntarily.