This was reported in the Russian propaganda Telegram channel "The Northerile Veter". "One accurate blow cut the main way of supplying the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Volchansk, Kharkiv region," the publication reads. Neither the Armed Forces Command nor Kharkiv Ova have yet commented on the Dambi blow. Russian troops are trying to panic the Ukrainian military and throw their staff and means from Donetsk and Luhansk regions to Kharkiv, ISW analysts say.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation tried to use opportunities for promotion in several sections in eastern Ukraine due to lack of Ukrainian live power and technology. At the same time, the White House Representative John Kirby, who specializes in national security, noted that Russian troops were preparing to fire Kharkov with a long -range weapon, which the Russians would not do if the task of large -scale advancement directly to the city.
We will remind that, according to military expert Michael Samus, the aircraft of the Russian Federation can go up to a distance of up to 50 km to the front line, to launch cabins or fabes. But Ukraine's airspace for Russian aircraft is not available. The "gray zone" in Kharkiv region was also reported. The Armed Forces told about the situation in the north. The Russian Federation is tasked with delaying Ukrainian reserves, explained by the Chairman of the Board of Reservists Ivan Timochko.
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