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In order for Russian aviation to go

Russia-without 50 SU-34. How many more you need to knock down the planes to get rid of the booth

In order for Russian aviation to go "to minus" for the Su-34, it is necessary to knock them on 2-3 a month, says military observer Alexander Kovalenko. Then the Russian Security Service of Ukraine will not be able to fill this loss-not the opportunities . . . A few words about the fall of the Su-34 . . . According to verified data, during the full-scale war in Ukraine the PCS of the Russian Federation lost 25 front-line bombers of UN-Su-34.

At the same time, the last loss verification is dated December 22, 2023. According to non-verified data, the PCS of the Russian Federation lost in two years more than 50 Su-34 destroyed and damaged. Let me remind you that as of the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in service of the PCS of the Russian Federation there were 110 Su-34, of which less than 100 were capable of 100. up to 12 aircraft, or 1 aircraft per month.

In other words, if the Su-34 losses are brought to the level of 2-3 aircraft per month, it will not be possible to compensate for their losses by production, and the total number will go to "minus". But it is not even this . . . During the fall of the Su-34, the probability of death and the pilot is high. And while the aircraft of the Russian MIC itself can build a month, get a qualified pilot-Ana for Su-34 only after 5-10 years of study, constant training, practice, etc.

It is also interesting that even if the pilot manages to catapult, it is not the fact that after landing he will survive. The fact is that Russian pilots chairs are made as for humans, and during landing on a sinful ground, pilots often broke their neck, some broke a spine or limbs. All of the above leads to the fact that with a stable shooting of the Su-34-th at some point, the PCS of the Russian Federation may have a problem with the main working bird, which is used for kabaky blows.