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The writer and screenwriter of the painting

The screenwriter of the movie "I work at the cemetery" Pavel Belyansky: "Humor helps to survive in the war"

The writer and screenwriter of the painting "I work at the cemetery" Pavel Belyansky shares the nuances of working on the film and his front -line observations. The author of the script of the new premiere movie "I Work at the Cemetery" - a popular blogger and writer Pavel Belyansky (pate) is now fighting in the Armed Forces. And, as before, writes posts, only on military topics.

He came to Kiev from the front - met with Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov and visited the triumphant premiere at the Molodist Festival of My Picture "I work at the cemetery", where he was intercepted by focus. Belyansky speaks temperamental, accurately, lively, straight. Or does not tell at all: "Do you want me to be buried?" And we talked about the intricacies of creating a new movie, what the most needed characters and people on the street, about history lessons and war.

Briefly about Belyansky. At first he wrote in a living magazine, but it was tight. But when Facebook started, his short stories began to be outlined: thousands of likes and rest. Paul worked at the cemetery, in the monument company, and his almost documentary moving miniatures resonated with the subscribers. Why? The coincided: talent - format - time.

Facebook did not welcome professional writers and journalists, a reference to the media, but when a person clearly describes an extreme environment (and the cemetery is a place not easy) - it is captivating, it is "truth" that is here and now. Belyansky writes concisely, capacious, where it is necessary - a metaphor, where it is necessary - a sharp word, a quote. He is extremely observant, and his main interest is human destinies.

In the cemetery, people have nothing to hide, in some sense - it is a summary. And the pate (the nickname of Belyansky since childhood, on behalf of Pas) could write someone to write on one page. With the beginning, climax and solution. With accurate household details and interesting details of personal nature. He skillfully derives the lines of human destinies in his posts (prose). A little ironic, but with mercilessly; Without condemning, but trying to understand.

He passes another's fate through the lens of his humor and heart - and readers, together with the author, laugh and cry, recognizing in the tiny stories of acquaintances, neighbors, themselves. Today, Pavel Belyansky's account has already been 31 thousand subscribers. The success of Belyansky is the story of the hero of our time. In 2016, he received orders for his future book - his subscribers supported the hryvnia.

As a result, a collection of thirty stories "I work in the cemetery" became a bestseller. As the author told in an interview, at the school on the topic "where the parents" work "his first-grade daughter said:" Dad writes books at the cemetery. " A little surprised teacher asked, "Why in the cemetery?", The girl was logically replied: "No one interferes. " So the books of Belyansky went one by one: "The dentist decides to marry", "Great escape", "Grandma did not like to die", "Gaddy Circulation".

Paul positioned himself as a Ukrainian Russian -speaking writer, but after February 24, his position began to change on this issue - what we will talk about separately. Belyanskiy, of course, wrote a post: "Today on the big screens of Ukraine the movie" I work in the cemetery ", shot on my scenario, based on my book. One year of work on the script. I stopped the movie, and the war that could not do it. I worry about my parents worried at the school graduation evening of my child.

I did everything I could: invested, raised, raised, and then the picture has its life. " The focus praised the picture. Now we ask the author: always interesting details. Pasho, how did you get to work in the cemetery? I came there to make money. I was called to go to this business: to help him control it as a manager. Prior to that, I was a director at one enterprise, graduating from the Faculty of Chemical and Technology at the Dnieper University.

Then he went into trade - it was at the end of the nineties. I came to the cemetery as a commercial project. I was told: here is a profitable ritual direction. You need to understand. I treated it as a business. The prejudices were, but the profit was good and I was not afraid. Then I did not believe anything. And now? Now, of course, I believe. And then I was thirty with the tail, it was in 2007. I, as it turned out, is quite a high degree of empathy, and people began to reach for me.

And "workers" workers of the cemetery do not listen, for them human tragedies - everyday life. And I listened, and people began to tell me my stories - about the attitude to the deceased and much more. It really was the richest human material. But heavy. This material had to be put somewhere. And I started writing posts on Facebook. The main part is written on the phone - laid out, forgot. But unexpectedly it began to find a response.

It seems to me that you finally brought out an effective hero in Ukrainian cinema - a real man. Although he was not poorly fleeing from the bandits. In the movie, the viewer waits everything when the hero, when he was burned, goes to the weapon store, buy a shotgun and, as Schwarzenegger's characters, will understand the abusers. He makes it just as effective, but - agility. The story of the protagonist was largely invented by director Alexei Taranenko. And I was already drunk.

But I knew that at the beginning he would run around the stadium and in the finale. However, these are two different people. You constantly find the viewer by surprise: he waits for one, and happens - the third. And Vitaliy Saliy's hero was also unclear for a long time: a bad good person. Definitely. But he is even confessed by Helen's client to his killed baby. However, this episode was later cut. Although the fall of the baby from the window is a very common phenomenon.

The movie shows a spiritual catastrophe: people do not know what to do with their grief. They build huge complexes in the cemetery if there is money. They are far from any spiritual practice, do not pray, do not confess. And they are not even called singing at the funeral. Why didn't you show priests? About the spiritual catastrophe - I agree. But as for priests, it seemed to me that they could not direct this story in the way.

Then it will no longer be about an attempt to deal with their inner world. And with the bandits - where "paints"? (laughs) the boys told. There are always little people from above. A competitor has come. And suddenly you can earn more on this cemetery? They allowed to make a "hit". Even in bandit brigades took people with a business that can be milked. And if someone came without such a business, then why are you needed? And everything around is captured. So - redistribution.

Now you are hitting the Armed Forces. Did you serve in the army? He did not serve: one eye does not see very well. But when the enemy is at the gate . . . On February 25, I went to Terrobron, here near Kiev. When it was over, he went to the Armed Forces. And when do you have time to write your workshops? (laughs) in breaks. Do you know that you are a popular blogger and writer? My military authorities have no idea who I am and what I am.

How is it? The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov met with you from your post and photos. I had a specific task. So he met me. But is this a task for you as a popular person from culture? It is a little related. But I can't voice anything yet. Do you have a secret mission? (Laughs) Still not a mission. Let's limit ourselves to the word "task". There is the most severe, bloody war with Russia. How do you think - how many decades we will have a complete rejection with them? Look.

Let's take the Germans. Note, even after such terrible, inhuman atrocities they arranged during World War II, only less than one generation was needed to return the German language to the world discourse. As for our culture, I am for the Ukrainian language to be supported by the state. And today it is not enough. The policy of whip and gingerbread requires. Today, the more we fence from everything related to Russia, the sooner we will win.

There is an urgent need to be as much as possible from the aggressor country. And we do it. All right. Even if we do some nonsense in the humanitarian sphere, they are not so catastrophic as if they were for Russian ties. Of course, if we are talking about instant interest, it would be profitable for me personally that Russian -language books are sold in large quantities.

But if we look in the historical perspective, it is more important for me that they do not sell, because I want citizens of Ukraine, including my children - lived in a peaceful country. And instead of Russia were the Muscovite Republic, Zaral and more. But the Germany you mentioned has not disappeared. Yes, but she has gone a huge way. Let them make it. In the historical perspective-it is possible anything. Who do you like blogger writers? Martin Brest. I read it. He writes about the war.

How did you burn the war, what did she betray you? Views on people. First, you do not have to judge a person by his appearance. Sometimes, you look at the person-she is all the brutal circus, and in the real business-full of pollute. And, sometimes, you look - some worm of drug addiction, and in battle it turns out - a physically and morally strong person. Secondly, do not judge. Someone squeezed something, and everyone went to judge, without understanding. We often judge others-disgusting.

Did you see how people did feats? I saw a grenade fighter torn my feet. He was in a long position. There was a dense fire: they were fired so that it was impossible to lift your head. And our girlfriend-Sagittarius-Sanitar-ran to his direction, stumbled, fell, but continued to move in the right direction. She dragged her tournament with her foot, bandaged, and pulled it out. Are there many women on the front line? Not much, but there is. But this is a true heroic act.

She could have been killed at any moment. I then spoke to her, "How could you?!" And she: "It was necessary to save him somehow. " Already prepare a military book? I write, but where are we and where is the book? I will get to the front in a few days. Take care of you the Lord! By the way, they say that there are no atheists in the trenches. Atheists are only in the trenches only on day. And then they all pray. Although not everyone knows how to do it. They pray as they can, but everyone pray.

It is believed that war is a completely negative experience. Do you agree with that? I only know that war is very unnatural. In the animal world - yes, animals kill each other. But man is not an animal. We are simply not too smart creatures. We need to develop and develop to this condition. And humor helps to survive in the war. We laugh a lot. To divide the dude's gear before going out: - "And I - if you are cut? You have nothing, my lousy. And a backpack. " Good your black humor.