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In the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, they declared intentions t...

The Kremlin provokes NATO. What borders in the Baltic Sea wants to view Russia and why (map)

In the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, they declared intentions to change the maritime borders in the Baltic Sea near NATO member countries: Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. Why the Kremlin provokes and what the answer from the Alliance could be, found out the focus.

The fact that Russian authorities seek unilaterally to change the country's maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea, flows from the relevant project of the Russian government resolution published on the portal of legal acts. The document, in particular, states that Rosminoborons propose to declare its inland waters part of the water area in the east of the Gulf of Finnish, as well as near the cities of Balticsk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region.

For this purpose, Belousov is offered to change the geographical coordinates of points that determine the position of the output lines, from which, in fact, they measure the width of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, as well as the adjacent zone near the coast and islands.

Thus, as the Russian Cabinet of Ministers implies, on the border with Finland the Russian authorities intend to adjust the coordinates in the zone of the islands of Yaii, Sommers, Dutland, Rodsher, Small Tutus, Vinund, as well as near the northern entrance cape of the Narva River. On the border with Lithuania, the Zones of the Kursk braid, Cape Taran, as well as the Vislinskaya braid, got under Lithuania.

According to the opposition edition of Moskow Times, which was the first to pay attention to the relevant government resolution, the Russian authorities propose to recognize the current geographical coordinates established by the Decree of the USSR by 1985 that "not fully correspond to the modern geographical environment". Helsinki and Vilnius have already responded to Moscow's initiatives.

In particular, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen, noting that her department now clarifies all the details with its channels, added: "The UN Convention on the Sea law contains provisions on the definition of maritime zones of coastal states, including their revision. We hope that Russia, as a participant Conventions, accordingly.

In turn, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, having called the plans of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with intimidation, stressed that "it is another unnecessary proof that the aggressive and revisionist policy of Russia poses a threat to the security of neighboring states and all Europe. " "It seems Putin has decided to" take a lively "NATO in the Baltic. But Sweden with Finland is already NATO members. And the Baltic is a NATO and EU sea.

And through the Baltic there is a greasy flow of Russian oil and petroleum products. the movement of oil tankers in the name of pure and green today and the future Baltic. Global Strategy XXI strategies Mikhail Gonchar. He also proposes "to carefully monitor the actions of the Alliance, where, as is known, they practice the" anti -indentation model "of behavior on the Russian Federation.

The experts with whom the focus communicated, not only modeled the likely variants of NATO reaction to the Russian maritime encroachment, but also analyzed under the Different angles, which is due to Russia's current tactics in the Baltic Sea. where the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation is located was actually blocked. Thus, Russia remained in fact without the Baltic Fleet, although no action on the part of NATO took place.

Russia can do nothing in the current situation, because it is about international law and maritime law, and if it begins to open it openly, then all its ships are blocked, including trade, "political scientist Alexander Kochetkov notes in conversation with focus.

Having emphasized that the Kremlin is well aware of all the risks, the expert added: "The Russians, as a result, began to be drawn in their manner, namely - they began to turn on the powerful RB that affects the receivers, GPS satellite coordinations. And in the area of ​​these ribs there were trails of passenger aircraft.

It is, of course, not a tragedy, since the aircraft can fly without GPS coordinates, but nevertheless, it is a freelance situation and a risk at which passengers of many flights from the Baltic, Europe, etc. have fallen. Actually, after that, serious sidelines began at the government level that the Russian Federation needs to be blocked in the Nativ Sea, because it violates the safety of airspace. " Coastal zones, calling some of them, to have their own maritime passage.

She also believed that the Crimea, Donbas, eventually all Ukraine, and she would have nothing to do with. And today it is in this algorithm that the Russian Federation continues to act, "the political scientist emphasizes. According to his forecast, this exacerbation in the Baltic Sea can result in" struggle for the corridor in the land in the Kaliningrad region and so on. " Another point of tension associated with Russia is created, " - sums up Alexander Kochetkov.

The fact that the current history with the Baltic Sea is an attempt to activate a hybrid war that Russia has long been leading against NATO, political scientist Igor Reitrovich is convinced. tries to provoke NATO for a certain answer. In this way, Russia wants to show that it opposes NATO and fights directly with this block, including defending some of its territories in the seas, " - emphasizes the expert in conversation with focus.

NATO, in the belief of Igor Reitrovich, can respond to it in two ways which should be parallel at the same time: "The first way - NATO can submit to some international court for a unilateral termination of the treaty or its changes, which makes the Russian Federation. It is necessary to speak loud and publicly in public, that you cannot do so, a special commission should be created, etc.

The second way, if Russia does not stop (and it does not stop), NATO ships must be introduced into this water area. Moreover, the Baltic Sea is actually the inner sea of ​​the Alliance. Therefore, NATO should patrol there without allowing Russian ships to go there. "In his opinion, such reactionary actions of the Alliance can lead to some escalation, but" if not reacted, Russia will continue to expand these marine territories, considering that it would be She has the right to do it.

"" So the NATO reaction should be. And this reaction should be sufficiently rigid and prompt. Countries in this region should require the Alliance as a whole at both political and military levels, " - said the expert.

Noting that Sweden, Norway, Finland, Lithuania are quite active in protecting their territories and they, they, Unlike many other NATO countries, "they know very well what Russia is," Igor Reityrovich stated the following: "I think, at the NATO level in terms of general support, they will not have problems.

Even Hungary will not be able to block such decisions in some way, since it is actually about breaking the borders and preliminary agreements between NATO and the Russian Federation as the heir to the Soviet Union. " It is that the Alliance does it, first, promptly, secondly, extremely rigidly, not that we say, we urge Russia to refrain from such such steps. The reaction should be purely actual - the direction of ships, training and so on.

This will be the right reaction to what Russia is creating.

We see that India has already agreed to participate in this event, and this is a key country in the global south, and the Russian Federation was very hoped that it would be able to control the position of these countries in the issue In his words, not least because the Armed Forces managed to stop the offensive in Kharkiv region, the prospects of increasing the participating countries of the summit have become better, "therefore Russia increases rates. " The space of NATO countries.

Remember how Putin shouted to NATO, they say, pick up his manatts on the line 97, and as a result, having solved the war against Ukraine, he received a diametrically opposite result and Sweden and Finland became full members of the Alliance. Therefore, the story with the sea, I would say, is Putin's despair. But if Russia behaves in this way, it should stimulate the Western countries to extend sanctions against it with all the consequences that are leaking, " - summarizes Konstantin Matvienko.