41.45 UAH ▲0.64%
46.11 UAH ▲1.35%
54.76 UAH ▲1.55%
10.8 UAH ▲1.72%
1.84 UAH ▲1.47%
Iran buys grain products at the Russian Federation at a price, which is a third ...

From 800 million to 6 billion: investigators found schemes of earnings of the Russian Federation on the stolen Ukrainian grain

Iran buys grain products at the Russian Federation at a price, which is a third of the market, was explained by investigators. At the same time, Russian entrepreneurs assure that they have established effective grain export schemes despite all international sanctions. In 2022, Russia has exported about 4 million tons of grain and other agricultural products from Ukraine from the first months.

A number of countries, among them Iran and Yemen, bought stolen grain and paid for it the funds that the Russians continued to finance the war against Ukrainians. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has told about what schemes for trade in Ukrainian grain.

WSJ investigators used the data of several analytical centers (Seakrime, Texty, Project Expedite Justice), which monitored the illegal activity of the Russian Federation, spoke with representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office and independently investigated the movement of grain stolen by the Russians on the territory of Ukraine. According to preliminary estimates, over 4 million tons of grain illegally exported more than three years of the war of the Russian Federation.

For this, Russian companies received from $ 800 million to $ 6. 4 billion. The main buyers are Iran, Yemen, Syria, as well as Egypt, Costa Rica and a number of other countries. In doing so, they used special schemes to bypass sanctions. Among them - hid the documentation on ships that entered the Crimean ports, mixed the stolen grain with grain with legitimate origin, sought mediators in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, which agreed to the equipment.

In addition, one of the areas of action of the Russian Federation is the blows on ships that export grain from Ukrainian ports. The WSJ investigation is featured by the Russian company United Shipbuilding Corp. , which produces military and civilian ships, Agro-Fragat LLC (from occupied Crimea), Helios Plus (operated on the occupied part of Kharkiv region) Shipping Lines.

Russian entrepreneur Igor Rudetsky told about some details of the equipment with Iran on social networks, explained in the article. One of his posts stated that he freely communicated with the heads of the company, which was directly related to Iran's leader Ali Khameney. The Russian also wrote that he was working on establishing trade schemes with China, India, Africa.

According to him, the WSJ given, it follows that the export of grain from the Russian Federation is not limited to international sanctions and that it received the necessary "for real money" in the agreement, which was "legally impeccable". Meanwhile, Kateryna Yaresko, the Seakrime analyst reported that Moscow sells Tehran barley at a price of $ 140. per ton, and this is only 34% of the market price.

At the same time, Western special services regularly report how the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation receive all new types of weapons (drones, ballistic missiles, etc. ) from partners from Iran. "It seems that the war is feeding itself.

Illegal trade generates income by the Kremlin -sponsored system, which, in turn, promotes the continuation of war and occupation," journalists have given the words of Pascal Turlan, the head of the human rights organization Project Expedite Justice, which helps Ukraine investigate. It should be noted that in July 2024 the USKO MFU ship was detained in Odessa, which previously exported the stolen grain from the Crimea.