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According to journalists, the North Korean soldiers crossed the demilitarized ar...

Immediately after Putin's departure: South Korean soldiers opened fire on military DPRK (photo)

According to journalists, the North Korean soldiers crossed the demilitarized area, which probably happened by accident. Personnel losses are not reported. South Korean soldiers were forced to open fire on dozens of North Korean servicemen who crossed the demilitarized area yesterday. It happened just a few hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin left Pyongyan. About it writes Daily Mail. It is noted that this is the third border crossing in the last two weeks.

South Korean servicemen initially shouted through loudspeakers, but the North Korean troops did not retreate until they came under fire. Technically, South and North Korea are still in a state of war, since the conflict of 1950-1953 ended with a truce. The demilitarized zone (DMZ), which divides the peninsula, despite its name, is one of the most replaced places on the planet.

According to the military Seoul, the DPRK increases the defense, establishing new mines, strengthening the roads and adding anti -tank barriers. This week, several North Korean soldiers were injured, accidentally encountered their own mines during retreat. The increase in tensions between Seoul and Pyongyang occurs against the signing of Kim Jong -in and Vladimir Putin of the Treaty on a comprehensive partnership, which includes a point of mutual defense.

Earlier, the crossing of the demarcation line has already occurred, but they usually took place in the border village of Phanmung, where, for example, Donald Trump met with Kim Cenn. Outside of Phangnjom, the demilitarized area is often marked only by signs on sticks or concrete columns surrounded by thick vegetation. Seoul reports that the signs denoting the demarcation line could be closed by trees and shrubs, which could cause the North Korean troops to cross the border.

However, the South Korean side of the border is protected not only by thousands of soldiers, but also by a dense network of cameras, motion sensors and other high -tech equipment, so the violations are found quickly. South Korean Watchmen open a warning fire if the offenders do not retreat. Although South Korea officials believe that the last three incidents were accidental, they occurred against the background of active construction of fortifications on the border.

Analysts believe that these actions of North Korea are aimed at preventing desertion and demonstrating Seul's readiness to continue the conflict. "It seems that North Korea's actions are aimed at enhancing internal control to prevent the desertion of North Korean soldiers and citizens to the south," one of the JCS officials said. The love of the North Korean research at the University of Donguk, believes that new fortifications are more symbolic.

"When installing mines, North Korea shows that, as directed by Kim Jong -in, there will be no reconciliation with the South," he added. North Korea does not install mines all over the front line, but only in places that are easily viewed by South Korea, blocking road and railway roads that have previously been used for intercostal cooperation.

In the period of warming relations in 2018, both Korea removed mines on the border to weaken military tension, but this period of reconciliation was short -lived. In recent weeks, both parties have stated that the 2018 military agreement aimed at reducing tensions. Since April this year, the North Koreans set anti -tank barriers, strengthen roads and periodically lay mines.

According to the publication, the confrontation can intensify, as Kim Jong -in continues to accelerate the development of nuclear weapons and rockets, combining with Putin against the background of their exacerbations in relations with Washington. We will remind, Focus told details about the visit of the Russian president to North Korea. On June 19, the leaders of both countries confirmed that they had concluded a partnership agreement.