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The means of air defense of the Russian Federation, which are in the territory o...

Shahaneda Attack on Belarus: Analysts explained why the Russian Federation launches drones on an ally

The means of air defense of the Russian Federation, which are in the territory of Belarus, shot down two of the eight "Shahaned", which they returned there during the attack on Ukraine, analysts noted. Over the last two months, such cases have been 20 pcs. The Russian command can deliberately direct the Shakhad drone in Belarus. This is done in order to train Belarusian air defense and test various means of damage.

At the same time, the power of Belarus did not find words to explain to the population what was happening. The features of the Shahaneda's plaque were told by the Analysts of the Defense Express portal. The portal drew attention to the analysis of the appearance of drones of the Russian Federation in Belarus, published on the Polish militaristic portal Defense24. The authors wrote about eight Russian drones, which on the night of September 5 disturbed the airspace of Belarus.

As noted in the opposition channel "Belaruski Gayun" to knock them down, lifted planes into the air and attract anti-aircraft missile complexes. As a result, only two targets were neutralized. Successfully worked out a fighter that started with an airfield in Baranovichi. In addition, the 1530th Air Defense Regiment fired with C-400 or "shell". On the infographic of oppositionists, located in X, we see a confused route that flew the UAV of the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, Defense Express explained that the sales of "Shahmed" in Belarus is not accidental, but intentional. According to analysts, the main goal of "attack" Dronov-Kamikadze on the Belarusian territory is the training of Russian PPO personnel. Having trained on these random UAVs, they will be able to protect important objects within the Russian Federation from the raids of already Ukrainian shock drones.

However, in the end, DE recognized that it is unknown how Russian devices are guided and whether it is possible to remove them remotely and direct them towards Belarus. The Telegram channel "Belaruski Gayun" in the post from September 5 reminded two more cases of "Shahhediv" flights to Belarus. It happened on July 16 (UAV fell alone) and August 29. At the same time, the fragments of the drone fell in the suburbs of Gomel and concerned the locals.

Over the last two months, such cases have been 20 pcs. It is noticeable what UAV is called neutral or say they are Ukrainian. The power of Belarus is confused because it cannot invent how to explain the "exchange of blows" between "brotherly peoples" and "allies", representatives of the opposition forces emphasized. It should be noted that the air forces of the Armed Forces earlier wrote about how the drones of the Russian Federation violate the airspace of neighboring countries with Ukraine.

One of these cases happened on August 26, when hundreds of rockets flew and the same "Shahaned". One drone flew into the territory of Poland, was noticed on radars, but was not beaten and then lost. We would like to remind that on September 7, the Polish Foreign Minister Radoslav Sikorsky told under what conditions the Poles crossed the "red lines" and begin to beat Russian air purposes. Meanwhile, the Western media spoke about 200 ballistic missiles that the Russian Federation received from Iran.