At the same time, Mash telegram channel noted that the Russian air defense has worked several UAVs in the sky, but a fire was visible in the area. The governor of Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin stated that only the wreckage of drone fell into the territory of the enterprise. "As a result of the reflection of the UAV attack on the territory of one of the enterprises of the KSTOV region, the fragments of the drone have fallen. Firefighters are now engaged in elimination of fire," Nikitin wrote.
He also stressed that there were no victims. At the time of publishing the material, the Ukrainian side did not comment on information about the oil depot attack in KSTOV. We will remind, in the evening on January 23 drones attacked the Russian city of Ryazan, where near the local oil depot the residents heard dozens of powerful explosions.
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