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According to the Russians, a huge drone will be able to move 500 km in air and w...

"We will drop the Fabs soon": the Russian Federation created a giant megacocopter that lifts 300 kg (video)

According to the Russians, a huge drone will be able to move 500 km in air and will have the advantages of both the aircraft and the copter. The drone will not require airfields and infrastructure. In Russia, the workers of the Dry Design Bureau successfully protested the prototype of a heavy unmanned aircraft of vertical takeoff and landing "BTS-Wab". During the tests of the device, algorithms of management and operation of takeoff systems, hanging and landing were tested.

About it reports the TASS agency. Dry OKB designers develop a fundamentally new unmanned transportation system of extra -aerodromal base. The new drone, according to the Russians, has a civil purpose, does not require specially prepared sites and airfield infrastructure for take -off or landing. "Unmanned aircraft combines the benefits of a plane and helicopter. The hybrid power plant includes an electric lifting power plant and a piston marching engine.

Vertical rush Efficiency, and due to the possibility of vertical takeoff, the construction of expensive airfrastructure and runway lanes is not required, "says the head of the project Yevgeny Rubtsov. Take off, flight and landing are fully automatic, without the operator's participation. In the event of an emergency, the operator can change the route. The drone is created for flights within a radius of 500 km from the point of permanent base and is able to transport up to 300 kg of cargo.

The BTS-Wab Project is at the stage of key technologies and basic technical solutions. The drone will be able to perform logistics, research and other tasks of any complexity. Meanwhile, Russian military blogger and volunteer Alexei Livev already dreams that the occupiers will be able to use such UAVs for military purposes, for example, for devastating bombing. "OKB dry created king-dron. Pulls 300 kg. Soon the Fabs will be dropped from drones instead .