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In Kyiv, six teenagers have suicidated in the last two weeks, jumping out of the...

"Children's Psyche does not withstand war": why in Kiev six teen suicides per month

In Kyiv, six teenagers have suicidated in the last two weeks, jumping out of the window or from the roof of a multi -storey building. The psychologist notes that the teenage psyche is very fragile and acutely responds to negative events, especially war. Therefore, parents need to be careful and talk to their children. Two weeks ago, on October 2, 17-year-old Vika and 18-year-old Vova from the Kiev region made suicide live. Teens planned suicide in advance.

To do this, they came to Kiev from the city of Berezan, where they lived with foster parents and other children, made an apartment and recorded a few days a video that told about their weekdays until they left the window. Acquaintances believed that teenagers could use prohibited substances. But what pushed them to the fatal step was a secret. One of the consolidated sisters of the dead wrote on Instagram that teenagers were "not exported".

A week after October 9, another paired suicide became aware of Kyiv. Two girls in 2005 and 2006 were killed in the Desnyanskiy district of the capital. Their case was not like the history of Vika and Vova. The girls were students of the College, brought up in good families, and with their parents, according to law enforcement, they had a trusting relationship. However, on a fatal night, the girls jumped from the 26th floor of the unfinished LCD "Dniprovsky Towers".

On the phones of the dead, police found pre -death messages sent to loved ones. Neither traces of outside influence nor communication with other people. Police found anything that could explain the act of girls. Two paired suicide, which happened with a difference of one week, did not associate law enforcement. After a few days the capital was struck by two more cases of child suicide.

On October 15, a 12-year-old girl was killed on Nicholas Gulak from the 22th floor of Berezhansky LCD on Mykola Gulak Street. And on October 16, a 16-year-old boy jumped out of the apartment on Orest Levitsky Street. According to Psychology, Elena Rihalskaya, teenagers need external and internal stability to form personality and understand how to enter adulthood. Ukraine is in a state of war, and this imposes a difficult imprint on a fragile child's psyche.

Parents play an important role in the process of personality formation. If they do not give a teenager a sense of stability and confidence in tomorrow, he does not feel the soil under his feet. This exacerbates the experience, the unstable psyche does not cope with the flow of negativity, which can eventually lead to tragic events. "Often children are parents and parents are children. Not everyone is able to cope with it.

Due to misunderstanding of what is happening around, the perception of negativity is exacerbated. And the psyche of adolescents is very fragile. It is the age when a model of behavior and a sense of emotional response is formed. When it occurs Chaos, the teenager does not understand where to go. He hears news about the war, he becomes scared, there is no way that there is a way out, life is in vain, there can be nothing, " - says Focus Rihalska. The psychologist recommends that parents be careful.

To be interested in what is happening in the lives of their children. Because suicidal moods do not occur in a flat place. And a teenager who dare to take a fatal step may have a deep depression. "Just so out of the window. It is the result of the cumulative process, so parents need to be more careful to children.

It is worth paying attention if the teenager has changed behavior: he became closed, does not want to talk, sleep poorly, he has changed habitual character traits - for example , was hyperactive, and became sluggish or vice versa. It is necessary to talk. But it is important to do it sincerely. Because teenagers are fake interest, "the expert continues. According to Rihalskaya, sometimes it is easier for a teenager to find common ground with a person from the side.

These can be close people - aunts or uncles, a trainer in the section, a school teacher. Adolescents reach adults who support and listen to them. Especially if insults have accumulated. "It is necessary to talk in the harsh level. Not at the level: I'm a father, and accusations. And just talk. Do not merge if the teenager does not want to talk. Repeat attempts, but most importantly sincerely," the psychologist emphasizes. Rihalskaya adds that the most dangerous adolescence is 11-15 years.

During this period, a child who is preparing to become an adult has a lot of contradictions that are difficult to cope with. If the teenager asks a question, you must answer them. Especially if these questions relate to suicidal thoughts. Focus wrote earlier that in Kryvyi Rih a group of teenagers was mocked on a boy. As a result of the bullying, the teenager got to the hospital.