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Three of the ten points of Vladimir Zelensky's peace plan were considered during...

Peace after the summit: can the arrangements be implemented without

Three of the ten points of Vladimir Zelensky's peace plan were considered during the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. It is a nuclear, food security, as well as the release of all stolen and deported Ukrainians. The focus understood how it is possible to fulfill the arrangements and what are the problems with it.

We will remind, in the fall of 2022, four days after the liberation of Kherson and victories in Kharkiv region, in his online action at the Grand Twenty summit, which took place in Indonesia, Zelensky presented a framework proposal, which was later called "Peace Formula". The implementation of ten points, according to him, would allow to reach a fair peace, ensure an adequate punishment of the aggressor and prevent the repetition of the conflict.

As it turned out, not everyone is ready to work comprehensively. That is why three compromise points were selected for the first peace in Switzerland, which took place without the presence of the Russian Federation. But for their implementation, experts say that Moscow will have to be involved. After the start of a full -scale invasion, the Russian military seized the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Chernobyl) near Kiev.

Employees of the Russian State Enterprise "Rosatom" came to its territory inventory, and were looking for that they could be taken to the Russian Federation. A modern laboratory with unique equipment purchased at the EU expense was robbed. But in general, the stopped station was not interesting to them. Unlike the working in the energy of Zaporizhzhya region, which the army of the Russian Federation also occupied in early March 2022. The latter remains under the control of the Russians.

Experts say that there have not yet been known cases where one country of conventions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that create the legal framework of the international nuclear and radiation safety regime occupies the nuclear power plant of another independent country. And not just captivates, but also threatens the leakage of radiation, which can lead to catastrophe.

Currently, Russians are talking about the possible launch of the ZPP and joining the Russian united power system. The consequences of such actions can be unpredictable due to the lack of qualified personnel - the station has been significantly upgraded during Ukraine's independence, non -timely preventive repairs and degradation of protection systems, as well as fighting. Radiation and nuclear safety is the first point of "Peace Formula".

It is that Russia is obliged to stop nuclear blackmail and comply with international rules for the use of nuclear energy. "Any use of nuclear energy and nuclear installations should be protected and environmentally safe. Ukrainian nuclear power plants and installations, including Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, must work safely under the full sovereign control of Ukraine and in accordance with the principles of the IAEA and under its supervision. Any threat.

Or the use of nuclear weapons in a war that continues against Ukraine is unacceptable, " - said in the document approved as a result of the summit. An independent nuclear energy and security expert Olga Kosharna notes that the position stated in the Burgensta Commun looks uncertain, slightly weaker than the IAEA resolution on the urgent return of Zaporizhzhya NPP under the control of Ukraine. What combines documents is the lack of a mechanism of de -occupation.

Therefore, even after a summit in Switzerland, the plan of implementation of this item is not known. "It is difficult for me to understand the words of the President:" Ukraine was approaching the de -occupation of the ZPP, "the expert says in a comment on focus. " We have not come to an approach for two years. In March 2022, the IAEA declared the inadmissibility of occupation of nuclearly dangerous objects in Ukraine. But also Chernobyl, and the Zaporizhzhia station remains in the occupation. .

І при цьому ПАР була єдина держава в Африці, яка експлуатує АЕС. Ввели Єгипет, який на той момент не мав навіть дослідницького реактора. Але пропозиція щодо РФ не була підтримана нашими стратегічними партнерами, насамперед США. У Вашингтоні бояться створити прецедент.

А це Double standards. " Therefore, there are no real restrictions and economic sanctions for Rossa, and the Russian Federation is feeling unpunished. "International legal mechanisms need to be used to stop this nuclear terrorism," Olga Kosharna continues. "The EU cannot consolidated economic sanctions: Slovakia and Hungary work with" Rosatom ", France builds a nuclear fuel production plant on a license of the Russian campaign on the territory Germany.

" "Global food safety depends on uninterrupted production and supply The route, as well as against civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure, are unacceptable, " - so formed the position in the final communique on the recommendations for the implementation of the second point of the Ukrainian" Peace Formula ". In other words, it is a safe navigation in the Black and Azov Seas, unobstructed access to ports, irrelevant by these actions by the Russian Federation.

And yet - non -use of famine as weapons. The Russian Federation applies this method of pressure as part of a strategy for war against Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukraine is one of the largest agricultural producers. Its potential is the supply of about 45 million tons of grain to the world market, ie 10% of all wheat exports.

According to the expert of the analytical center "Ukrainian Strategic Studies Studies", an employee of the African Research Center Yuri Oliynyk, several countries in Africa, who, in fact, suffers most of the cessation of grain supplies, can join in negotiations on this point with the Russian Federation. For example, Kenya, whose President William Ruto, meets in Switzerland. In addition, the president spoke with the chairman of the Republic of Kot-D'Ivar Alasan Uatra in the summit.

"Also at the summit were representatives of other West African states. Some of them are more oriented to the West than neutral. Some of them are threatened Keeping his neutrality, "he says focus. Oliynyk recalls that the blockade of Ukrainian ports in 2022, then grain prices increased, countries began to feel restricted. And food restrictions for Africa are also political. In the case of a fall in living in African countries, protests and shocks often begin.

"Grain from Ukrainian and Russian ports was usually the cheapest and most affordable. Negotiations and food agreement in 2023 in some way corrected the situation. But it improved even more when Russia was deprived of the opportunity to influence the movement of goods at least in the western Black Sea.

It is not in the volume that, at the same time, the Russian Federation is also trying to send grain from the ports of the occupied Crimea - in recent months it has sent more than Ukraine (in particular, stolen - ed. ), - says Oliynyk. Now the fierce confrontation point in this region has been traveled, but port shelling can be restored, aggravated fighting in the Black Sea basin, so the risk of the global south is experiencing risk.

" At the same time, analysts say that to implement the second point of the plan, unlike the first, something has already been done - some arrangements have already been implemented. But not just negotiations are important, but further guarantees of return, if not to the food agreement, then to the agreement on restraint of such shelling. "But in Switzerland, we heard nothing about the tools and the declarations," - sums up the expert of the African Research Center.

"All prisoners of war must be released by full exchange. All deported and illegally displaced Ukrainian children, as well as all other Ukrainian civilians who have been illegally detained must be returned to Ukraine. " This is how the requirement for the return of all Ukrainians is recorded. The Human Rights Commissioner Dmitry Lubinets says that in Switzerland they held a thematic session in the closed mode on the implementation of paragraph 4 of the formula of peace.

It was attended by presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers, national security advisers-39 participants in total. Modern-Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Norway Prime Minister Jonas Gar Stere. It was the official Toronto and Oslo that have taken the role of leaders in the return of prisoners of war, civilians and children.

The details of the meeting is not disclosed, but they say not only about release, but also about access to the places of detention - colonies and detention center and the occupied territories and territories of the Russian Federation, and some new countries wanted to join the humanitarian work. The humanitarian aspect remains quite complicated, according to the head of the direction of documenting martial crimes of media initiative for human rights Anastasia Panteleyev.

And above all, due to the lack of even a draft of the mechanism of return of detained Ukrainians and concrete contours - intermediaries in conversation about prisoners of war and civilians. "We understand that the process is ongoing, negotiations do not stop, Ukraine manages to return their citizens. But mostly servicemen. captivity over two years, ”she notes. And this is not about civilians.