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Russian students are now not recommended to read anti -utopian classics:

Orwell, Pelewin and Shalamov: books about Stalin's repression were removed from the school program in the Russian Federation - the media

Russian students are now not recommended to read anti -utopian classics: "1984" by George Orwell, "O wonderful New World" by Aldos Haxley and "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury. But "Farewell weapons" Ernest Hemingway, "Gulag Archipelago" and other works of Alexander Solzhenitsyn remained on the list. Russian authorities excluded a book on the repression of Joseph Stalin's reprimand from the school program. Students are also not advised to study works that criticize the Soviet Union.

This is stated in the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on amendments to the school program. The authors of the Telegram channel "can be found" have paid attention to the publication. Among other things, there were no number of well-known books on the list of recommended literature for grades 10-11, which until 1991 forbade Soviet censorship.

There is no novel "Life and Destiny" by Vasyl Grossman, which describes the camps of Stalin's times, comparing with German concentration camps. The torture of the NKVD, in turn, are compared with the torture of the Gestapo. Among the "unrealized" was the story "The house on the waterfront" Yuri Trifonov, as well as the collection of Varlam Shalamov's "Kolyma Stories", which spoke about the personal experience of staying in the Soviet camp.

The list of "Omon Ra" Victor Pelewin, who ridiculed the Soviet cult of astronauts, as well as Dmitry Zaswava's poems, which is present, which is present, and the irony over social realism is present. The same applies to George Orwell's 1984 dystopia, another anti -utopian classic disappeared - "O wonderful New World" by Aldos Haxley. There is no novel by the French existentialist Alber Camus on the list and Franz Kafka's "Transformation" story.

At the same time, Russian students are still recommended "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury, works by Erich Maria Remark "on the Western Front without changes" and "Three Comrades", "The Lord of the Flies" William Golding and "Farewell, Weapons" Ernest Hemingway. The place of the excluded books took the "death of the empire. The Russian lesson", authorship of Metropolitan Tikhon Shevkunova, who is considered the priest of the head of Kremlin Vladimir Putin.

Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn, although wrote about camps and repression, remained in the program. Putin spoke about the author "One day of Ivan Denisovich" and "The Gulag Archipelago" as a "true patriot". Recall that in the Russian Federation before the elections increased control of the Internet to prevent protests.