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Anna Boguslavska was a soldier, a sanitary instructor of the medical paragraph 2...

Two sons left without mom: the war took the life

Anna Boguslavska was a soldier, a sanitary instructor of the medical paragraph 2 of the assault battalion in the Armed Forces. On February 1, she died in the Dnieper hospital. The war took the life of a 22-year-old defender from Smila in Cherkasy region. She died in the Dnieper hospital. This was reported in the Smilyansk City Council. "A war brings a war to the family of our community. This time she cut off the life of a young girl, our Smilyanka, 22-year-old Anna Boguslavskaya.

He expresses his sincere condolences to her mother and two son of Anna Boguslavskaya and miss together with his family. native land, will find eternal peace, " - the message reads. Anna Boguslavska was a soldier, a sanitary instructor of the medical paragraph 2 of the assault battalion in the Armed Forces. On February 1, she died in the Dnieper hospital.

In the comments under the publication, the users of the network expressed their condolences in connection with the death of the defender: with the dead medical, they say goodbye on February 12. The girl is buried in the cemetery of the village of Plosko in Cherkasy region. It should be reminded that on February 2, a combat medicine from the Carpathian Sich Wagner Savita Diana, who was a German citizen, was killed on the front. For the battalion, this was the first loss of a woman of servicemen.