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New complexes by sound find enemy artillery and even machine guns up to 30 km, a...

Death for Russians: The Armed Forces Test a Mimilant Barrak Arth Intelligence System (Photo)

New complexes by sound find enemy artillery and even machine guns up to 30 km, allowing the Ukrainian military to destroy the entire batteries of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Ukrainian military is testing the latest system of artillery intelligence "Barack". Lieutenant Colonel Vitaliy Vysotsky told the Armyinform, how technology will strengthen the army and help to knock out the occupiers.

"Barack" (centralized multi -user system of audiometric intelligence of the passive principle) is a multifunctional audiometric system that allows to determine the location of artillery tools during firing: from mortars to the largest guns and jet systems. The complex consists of 8 or more small modules the size of a suitcase-diploma, equipped with direct-action microphones-they are installed according to special schemes on the site on a long time several kilometers.

Each device works regardless of the others and has a supply of energy for 5-7 days, the operator can control them remotely and process the data in different ways. "The data obtained are transmitted to the senior boss, who already makes a decision on the expediency or possibility of using the fire in response," - said Vitaliy Vysotsky.

The last version shows the coordinates of art units and individual guns up to 30 km in just five seconds after the enemy opened the fire, and with a maximum error of only 30-50 m-this is a very good indicator for artillerymen. In order to aim more accurately on the enemy's position and open the fire, the Ukrainian military checks the Barack with data from reconnaissance drones and tactical aviation. Birds are constantly flying over the battlefield and passing information to the operators online.

"In terms of accuracy determining the coordinates of firing guns or jet systems of volley fire, it is extremely accurate at a distance of 25 km, and gives a small error at the maximum distance of determining targets of 30 km. mortars of all calibers, but also anti-aircraft installations and even large-caliber machine guns for 10-12 km, "-added the senior operator of the complex Yaroslav.

One of the infantry brigades operating in the Donetsk direction received Barack in the summer of 2022 from the inventor from Odessa, hoping to replace the outdated Soviet counter -battering systems and gain an advantage over the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The head of the artillery of this brigade Vitaliy Vysotsky, together with his subordinates, has been tested by technology for almost a year and believes that she is almost ready for mass use in the Armed Forces.

The complex will be able to take on arms only after passing state tests and launch of mass production. According to Lieutenant Colonel, the unit initially received a rather primitive system, which was gradually improved by joint efforts. The developer team came to combat positions and recorded the sounds of firing from the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, which was also armed temperature, time of day.

"From the latest updates that have made for Barack Odessa, it is an opportunity to cover the spans of Iranian" shahas ", as well as self -release of a module or system, when the sounds of outputs are fixed fuzzy," - said Vitaliy Vysotsky. - "The sound base for determining goals is constantly updated, up to calibers less than 82 mm. By the way, the latest version of the barrack complex is already actively used directly on the Odessa coast.

" The Armed Forces representative noted that the modules "Barack" act passively, without any radiation, so they cannot be dreamed and suppressed by means of radio electronic struggle. Of course, they can be detected and destroyed physically, but it is very difficult because of small size. In this case, the complex will work if the Russians disable several microphones. Modules can still work in bad weather, when drones cannot fly, although without them the accuracy of blows is significantly reduced.